
How do I figure out what career and degree I should go for?

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I'm around the age where I need to figure out what I want to do in life and start applying to colleges. I understand that I need to have the end-goal in mind (or at least up until getting my first "grown-up" job) before I make any real decisions.

I know that I want...

1. To have time to pursue other domains and build side hustles (I've been trying to build a beat-selling business)

2. I want to be mentally challenged at my job

3. I want a career that doesn't require anything higher than a bachelor's degree

4. I want it to be STEM

5. I want it to make decent money

So I'd really appreciate it if you could give me some ideas for future contemplation. I've been putting this off way to long.


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If you want to be mentally challenged, I recommend looking for something that has some variation. Where there are different situations, you have to troubleshoot stuff. Not just doing the same thing 100 times a day every day.

If you like STEM, don't write off skilled trades. You don't necessarily have to be a rocket scientist or engineer to feel fulfilled. Everything from being a cabinetmaker or a welder to an electrician. There will always be a demand for people who can do things with their hands and make stuff, and in most places not enough people are going into many trades. Lots of trades can make $100k/yr straight out of your apprenticeship, especially with overtime.

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Across all domains its alot so I will keep this on career/ finance / business / life purpose. 

There seem to be two main options

  • Financial Freedom
  • Making ur purpose/passion profitable 

I personally lean towards financial freedom cause my idea for my purpose/passion is hard to profit (and I wouldn't really want to have to profit of it)

Since you seem entrepreneurial minded and financial freedom seems the best to me, I would recommend pursuing this option. Do apply for colleges (if you are in a situation where it would be best to, like where your parents want you to go, you need to be on track for a profitable, sustainable career, etc.) If you can get away with not going for a year or two (tentatively) and it is viable (like you can live with parents or without having to grind at a 9-5 minimum wage job), consider not going. Also, whether you get aid, scholarships, grants, whether your parents can help, etc. does affect whether you should and what college you should go to aswell. If you can't afford college thats another reason to consider community college or straight up not going. Although, it may be easier to go to community college and pursue entrepeunership, so even if you can go to college that's something to somewhat consider aswell.

For college, I do recommend STEM, my current general idea of this is if it ain't STEM it's a waste of time (in terms of college degrees ofcourse). For this PLAN B,  I would also say apply to a selection of reach, target and safety schools based on your stats, reach out to recommenders, yada yada and all that college jazz

For your PLAN A, your going hard to develop assets to give you consistent income (businesses, youtube channels, etc.) OR develop skills to earn high amount "one time type" income (flipping expensive items, real estate, capital gains, etc.) Not just side hustle type shit but actual real businesses, high income producing assets and businesses. Do your research on entrepeunership, financial freedom, self-Improvement and all that like read the Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Millionaire Fastlane, Unscripted, etc. Oblilerate the wage cuck mindset unless you can find a great job that you genuinely enjoy 100% of the time.....(so yeah basically gtfo of the wage cuck mindset). Once you make whatever you want per year in passive income (that is longterm and guaranteed) whether its 30k, 50k, 75k, 100k, etc. than you are financially independent, and as it grows higher than that, as you reinvest profits, you can reach financial abundance.

Than you can virtually do whatever the fuck you want, whenever you want, however you want. Including having the capital, freedom and some valuable skills to devote to any purpose/passion. Cheers!

Now it's time to put in the work. If you work smart and hard it can be accomplished in less than a year to a couple of years. Godspeed

Edited by AlphaAbundance

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