
'I don't have the luxury of being depressed'

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So there's a lot of people out there who throw around this platitude of 'I don't have the luxury of being depressed'. Why do you think they do this? What do you think they're misunderstanding about depression?

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@Parththakkar12 They believe they’re too busy to be depressed. They believe because they’re distracted and engaged in activity they won’t be depressed as it increases their mood. What they misunderstand is that there are different forms of depression and not all depression can be overcome with activity. It definitely does help but some people need medicine.

Edited by Red-White-Light

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Some people think that "depression" is a rich man's disease. That thinking is rooted in closed minded judgemental and ignorance.

Some people assume that depressed people are doing drama because they got nothing better to do. 

Depression is a very bad mental problem. I myself struggled a lot with it and I know how it works. 

I don't care how people judge me or other depressed people.. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I personally have never heard anyone saying that. But if anyone says that, I will tell them directly that they're full of shit.

Whatever they mean with that phrase, is problematic. If they mean that they want to feel depressed, they certainly can. In fact, they probably are but just repressing it. If they're mocking depressed people, the mockery itself is its own punishment. It will keep them rotting in their pit of ignorance.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Maybe they don't have the time to think about various issues or they don't have the option to feel depressed because otherwise they would be dead. Some situations can threaten your own survival and surrendering would be the last option. If you get sick and have no one to support you, who's going to pay the bills? Depression won't do that.

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People who are depressed mostly don't have any purpose for their lives and are lost and hopeless. When you have purpose, meaning and hope you don't have time to be depressed and dwell on negative thoughts. All pain and suffering ends eventually, so why focus your time on something so temporary. You might break along the way, but you keep going because you have a vision that carries you.

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First off, there is a difference between being depressed and having depression.


I believe that a lot of people are depressed.  Depression is more about a chemical imbalance.  

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