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Comfort Is Killing Your Life

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I had this thought how spiral dynamics correlates with immigration, comfort and basically success in our orange society.

Without going on a rant now, its basically
1st and 2nd generation immigrants chase the orange dream, become successful. Thats why all tech giants are full of indians (no racism intended)
The Western World kids of middle class wealth then grow up with the comfort and it kills them from achieving independence from the system. 
Its about distraction with comfort until you are old and have no real skill and thus get stuck in the system. 

The hypothesis is really that early adversity is actually the key to success (and with success I mean happiness).
The system tries to keep you sheeple for as long as possible, its a game against time. Keep them blind, let them waste their youth and adolescence and bam there you go, more factory workers. 

Do you agree?


<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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