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Trying to fix my sleep pattern 2.0 today

Mission success

Edited by Florian

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Sleep pattern now: -Get rid of all computer screens after 9pm

                                   -wake up and get out of bed before 10am

-> after one week of this, next routine start and +5mins onto feeling exercise (21.07)

Edited by Florian

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I just had this realization: The perfect fighter doesn't fight.

Why? Well, I guess this is relative to my definition of a fighter but if a fighter is better the more free he is and the more he is able to control his opponent  (he is doing this by using his opponents fear whether it's done conciously or not) then he is perfect when he has no fears but why would he fight if he has no fear? -> I see now my definition of a fighter is one who acts out of fear but maybe it's possible to fight somebody and act out of love I guess

(Because a fighter uses his opponents fears to control him and eventually win the fight but this need to control his opponent and win the fight is just motivated by his own fears, so if he gets rid of his own fears he has no motivation to fight anymore.)

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Yesterday I read in some post on this forum that you have to invest at least 4 hours a day into your one thing to master it. So today I tried to spend 4 hours mastering my craft. Until now I did 1 hour and 4mins of feeling my body and doing various excercises from the book Zen-Body Being then I had a break for 15mins and then I did 42 mins of reading the book Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi and writing down notes + just contemplating what I just read and thinking it out more and thinking deeper into it (my zone of genius). Then I made a break for 10-15mins and now I am writing this here. I think it's enough for today even if I didn't manage to do the 4 hours. Before I started with the body feeling excersises I set the timer to 1 hour 30 mins but I couldnt do it and then I set the timer for 1 hour for the reading and contemplating but I couldnt do it either. I kinda expected that and I mainly wanted to see where my limits are and how much more I have to grow to be able to spend 4 hours a day practising deliberatly. I still have more then half of the day and I could do more and maybe I will do some letting go or some sport but it's fine either way.

Tomorrow I will try fixing my sleep schedule again since I fucked up again. I will try to wake up 10am and then keep my alarm at 10am.

Starting monday I will add going out and observing people to my routine building since I noticed that sitting down and letting stuff go for 10mins a day is easy (until now at least) and I have energy to do more. But I might also add more to letting go like contemplating about a topic where I want to become more free and writing down exactly what I want to let go to become more free. So my letting go routine might be looking like this then: 10min selecting a topic, thinking about it and writing down how I hold myself back -> 10mins of letting this stuff go.

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I still have doubt whether or not this is really the best life purpose for me. I still have two more options that are in my mind which I might actually like more: 1. becoming an author and creating my own world

           2. something about studying physics/the rules by which this world is made of and making use of this understanding by inventing practical things


I really have to invest some time into making clear which one of these actually fits me most.

Edited by Florian

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Bruh, I just went into Leos Blog which I don't do often and I clicked on the video "Requisite Variety & Creative Laziness" and watched the first 2 mins and WTF it seems to me like this is GOLD for my life purpose! GOTTA WATCH IT COMPLETELY!!!

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@Florian Visualise bro. Visualise. You must see yourself as the boxing champ before you are the boxing champ. Like this good guy you know: 

My advice would be: No matter what, feel like you are already where you want to be. 

1hour of visualization equals 7 hours of physical work.

Read the book: Key to Living Law Of Attraction by J. Canfield 


Edited by Rasheed

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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@Rasheed thx for the reminder. already knew about this and wanted to use it but forgot about it. 

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@Florian Wish you the best.

Edited by Rasheed

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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