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Do higher spiral stages produce better psychedelic trips?

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If someone has never taken psychedelics before. Would they have an better trip if they were stage yellow instead of stage orange or green? Would the stage yellow person be more "prepared", so to speak?

Or does everyone start out completely blind and nothing can prepare you for it? 

Does stage yellow need an Awakening to move into turquoise? Would a stage turquoise person be immune to psychedelics?

I heard Eckhart Tolle say that he tried LSD, and when he was asked how it was, he only described the visuals. As if his state of consciousness hadn't changed on it. 

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Level of consciousness basically equals to frequency of perception. The more you see, the more you conscious you are. Stage of development is probably correlated to average level consciousness, but it isn't the same thing. If you already have high vibrations you need less substance to get same effect.

Transition from Yellow to Turquoise happens when it realize that all models tend to collapse (they are strange loops). It forces to switch from thinking to being. Mystical experiences are very useful.

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@JayG84 The term “better” is relative, it depends on one’s personality. After an Ayahuasca ceremony, a few of us were sharing about our trip. One woman said that she turned into a lizard and was disappointed because she wanted to go back into her childhood and work on stuff. She wanted a “better” trip. I then said transforming into a lizard would be amazing. I’m so curious what a lizard perspective and experience would be like. The woman next to me tensed up and said she hates lizards and it would be horrific to transform from human to lizard. She said she would have struggled and fought to stay human.

In relative terms of better, dosage, mindset and setting are important features. People that can let go and go with the flow have a higher chance of having a better trip than nervous nellies that want to control every aspect of a trip. This “go with the flow” mindset doesn’t seem to be an SD feature, although it may be more common with orange and above. In terms of SD and trip betterment, one feature that might come in handy is being able to take detached, meta views. This is one of the features of Tier2. Quite often, psychedelics dissolve the self identity attachments allowing for detached, meta viewing and a sense of Oneness. Someone in Tier2 may have a better ability with this. When I first trip, I was at high Orange transitioning into Green. Psychedelics wanted to send me into Yellow and Turqoise and some of those trips were a rough ride. My mind wanted to control the internal narrative of what things mean. And there was anxiety about what would happen if I let go. What if I did something crazy? What if I harmed someone? My mind would fight to stay in control. Yet when I was able to let go. . . It was amaaaazing. . . It was like I was given a magic wand. I could see how everything is inter-related. They was a deep sense of awe and curiosity. It felt like my higher self. When I returned to my baseline level of consciousness, I was overwhelmed. I didn’t know where to even begin. I couldn’t make sense of it. I didn’t have words or concepts like “systemic thinking” or “nondual awareness”. When I first started learning about SD, I was like “yea! Some of that yellow, turquoise and nondual stuff they are talking about happened during the trip. There are actually words for it??!!. I’d like some more of that, please. . . “

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I see. I not very experienced with Psychedelics (just a few low doses of mushrooms) but I'm trying to gauge whether I'm ready for a higher dose. 

51 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

In terms of SD and trip betterment, one feature that might come in handy is being able to take detached, meta views. This is one of the features of Tier2.

I think that this is one of the main reasons I want to push forward. I tend to see things with a Meta-view most of the time now. And I'm able to recognize thoughts and beliefs and let them go pretty easily. I'm just afraid of the 'deep' stuff buried in there like traumas and insecurities that I'm not aware of yet. but I think if I just keep the mind-set of 'letting go' I should be fine. 

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15 minutes ago, JayG84 said:

I see. I not very experienced with Psychedelics (just a few low doses of mushrooms) but I'm trying to gauge whether I'm ready for a higher dose. 

I think that this is one of the main reasons I want to push forward. I tend to see things with a Meta-view most of the time now. And I'm able to recognize thoughts and beliefs and let them go pretty easily. I'm just afraid of the 'deep' stuff buried in there like traumas and insecurities that I'm not aware of yet. but I think if I just keep the mind-set of 'letting go' I should be fine. 

That sounds like a responsible approach that takes care of the mind and body. 

Sometimes I imagine psychedelics to be like scuba diving. When everything is going well at one depth, I start to get curious about what exists deeper. I can feel a calling to explore deeper as well as a calling to take care of my mind and body. One thing I try to be mindful of is if my mind is creating and assuming there are scary sea creatures at deeper depths. For all I know, it’s mostly magnificent with a few troublesome sea creatures that need to get cleaned out. ? ? 

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2 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

One thing I try to be mindful of is if my mind is creating and assuming there are scary sea creatures at deeper depths. For all I know, it’s mostly magnificent with a few troublesome sea creatures that need to get cleaned out. ? ? 

Very well put. Thanks ??

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