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Ideology Traps

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Interesting how even when we're aware of ideology traps, we can find ourselves stuck in one or several or many, or not find ourselves and remain stuck obliviously.

Politics, especially left-right but any other flavor too. Race. Religion. Orientation. Gender. Divide and conquer. We parrot this phrase. Regurgitating. Blind in most cases to the division that we ourselves are continuously feeding into. 

Mad props to the sowers of division and discord for the great mask divide. Pure genius if your goal is to find that magic bullet that will send even the most "mindful" and "conscious" down the divide and conquer rabbit hole. Brilliant. 

"It can't be that lame, you know?" Terence McKenna

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2 hours ago, EmptyInside said:

Interesting how even when we're aware of ideology traps, we can find ourselves stuck in one or several or many, or not find ourselves and remain stuck obliviously.

Politics, especially left-right but any other flavor too. Race. Religion. Orientation. Gender. Divide and conquer. We parrot this phrase. Regurgitating. Blind in most cases to the division that we ourselves are continuously feeding into. 

Mad props to the sowers of division and discord for the great mask divide. Pure genius if your goal is to find that magic bullet that will send even the most "mindful" and "conscious" down the divide and conquer rabbit hole. Brilliant. 

Agreed. Its ironic given the point of a spiritual path yet, whatever is the most popular, people parrot. Lmfao girls with blm in their tinder bios. I couldn't swipe left fast enough. 

Edited by Onemanwolfpac

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