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How much money should one have to be considered as financially independent?

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How much money should one have to be considered as financially independent?

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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It is not about the amount of money. You have to earn more than you spend. 

If you earn a million but spend two million, you are still relying on daddy to pay the bills. 

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Calculate your expenses per year. All of them, even the little stuff like a drink here or a seminar there.

Take that number and multiply it by the years you have left until the age of 100 (or whatever age you wanna reach).

Then double it for unforeseen expenses in the future and now you roughly know how much you'll need.

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