
I care what "certain" people think about me how do I stop this?

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I know how to not care what strangers think about me. seems pretty obvious now. but I don't know how to stop caring what people who know me think of me. I feel like I have a ego and or self image I have to protect. Have any tips?

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From my experience it's because of self-judgenent, unworthiness and insecurity.

Also; there is a difference between caring about what other people might think and worrying about it.

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Yes the distinction between caring and worrying about it is important. More concisely I would say it is considering how other opinions affect your life vs feeling emotionally attached to others approval and disapproval. If its caring what certain people think isn't causing any suffering or reducing joy then why stop doing it? Is it because you think it is wrong to care about what other's think? Would you care to elaborate more on your situation? Like who are the specific people? Maybe a little more understanding to the thought process that causes these emotions and you wanting to stop caring?

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32 minutes ago, Einsteinonacid said:

I know how to not care what strangers think about me. seems pretty obvious now. but I don't know how to stop caring what people who know me think of me. I feel like I have a ego and or self image I have to protect. Have any tips?

In principle that is not a bad thing. We need feedback to know what is going on. Like radar needs a feedback we need social feedback as well. 

That is why accountability is important. You don't want to be the guy who goes through the streets shouting I am Napoleon. 

In case that you care too much is probably your expectations to yourself is to big. Work more on yourself but expect less I guess.


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what @Epikur said.

If that image is built from respect, consistency, and moderate people pleasing, I wouldn't recommend dropping it because of a bad day.

If the image is built upon a complete lie, be prepared to lose your "friends".  Start forming honest relationships.

learn to laugh at yourself. like how weird your hair is when you first wake up etc etc.

What are you afraid of them seeing?

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8 hours ago, Einsteinonacid said:

I have a built up image I'm trying to protect what do I do?

Transcend it ?

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