
Maybe its time to admit, i suck with girls!

25 posts in this topic


On 18/06/2020 at 0:23 PM, Kiko said:

Hey guys,

I think its time to admit that i am not good with girls and dating. 

Ive been lying to myself that has noting to do with me, but obviosly it has.

Right now i am 26 years old, educated and smart guy (passioant about personal development and spirituality) with decent job, former football player. Altetic body 1,88 cm hegiht, not the most attractive male i guess but i consider myself good looking, consider myself with pretty good humor. I have a lot of friends (some of them rich) i dont lack social connections, people like me for company, i  dont struggle attracting friends. 

I have very little experiance with girls(in terms of intimate relationship).

Every new interaciton that i start with a girl even if she is interested in the begining is finishing very quicly, very often getting nowhere.

Obviosly there is something in me that repels women.  

I used to say to myself that its their fault,  but ive  met really cool and smart girls( no superficial ones, i dont like them) some of them not extremly atractive like 7, but still very cute and smart. Somehow they also end up not interested.

Even girls which are obviously far away from me in terms of level, they also end up not interested. I have to be honest, with  some of them i would be embarassed to go out, this is how better than them i am.

I really dont know what is wrong, 

I have a lot of friends, people like me for company, i  dont struggle attracting friends. 

I grew up with pretty bad social anxiety, and i still have to the certain extent. However that doesnt stop me to being cool around people and have friends.

In high school i was liked by lots of girls, really they used to aproach me and text me very fucking time without even moving my finger. I didnt take advantage of any of those ofcourse because i was very shy with poor social skills.

I REALLY REFLECT ON ME AND  TRY TO FIND WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF THAT. Dont tell me may be you are too nice with girls. No i am not, not asshole aswell. 

I will apreciate your comments on that. 

I want to take full responasbility and not crying and blaming others like a liitle bitch!





Hey mate if its any motivation I use to suck with girls also like really really bad. aged 22 I got involved with pick up for a few years it was a lot more popular back then around like 2013. For two years I went out every day and it was brutal at first but eventually it all started to sort itself out within about 3 years of pushing my comfort zones. Luckily this is something you can work and improve on and dose require effort but if you put in enough effort you can get better results quite quickly. And there is a lot better advice out there now, a lot more wholesome. I'd say Brain Begin the fearless man seems to be the most integrated maybe check him out. Ultimately this all comes down to how much love you have for yourself and others.

When I researched 25 I finally got good with girls and I was miserable, it didn't make me happy. I ended up having a dramatic spiritual awakening brought on by some intense life experiences and then naturally progressed on that path as I realized deep within my soul no one can truly make you happy you have to find it within yourself. So with that being said you don't really need to put pressure on yourself here as you are the one who holds the light at the end of the tunnel not members of the opposite sex. Knowing this makes it so much easier as you can then start to work on truly loving someone without the need of anything in return from them. Ive researched a stage where I could live the rest of my life without ever meeting someone again. If one comes along great but it really dose not matter to me. A true awakening will make remake you a happy virgin. So keep this in mind you will be going around in a circle but thats ok as it needs to be realised. P.s learn comedy too, women looove to laugh its the key to there ♥️ 

Edited by Globalcollective

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On 18/06/2020 at 6:36 PM, Kiko said:

No, actually i dont have success with social media. 

The girls i met are often friends to my friends.

To be honest i have never cold approached, i dont believe that i will have any success at this point, having in mind that i cannot get the warm ones ;)



There's your first problem. Someone is going to smash. I may as well be that fella. You begin to see the same patterns. I don't care for some guys opinion selling you crap online. Chat and have a flirt. Invite back to your place and repeat.

Learn to code. Its a loop statement. She comes i smash. If not, i next and i meet more girls. Its either or. Play hard to get, next. Ghosting? Next. Repeat till you ate content or you date exclusively. 

During pandemic, i lost track of girls who were attention seeking. Pandemic or not, if she's attracted, she's coming or you cut all contact. 

Not believing is your biggest issue. The life of a bachelor in the modern era is like no other assuming that you do something with it. I am meeting girls at dog parks, workout spots, trails, and randomly. 

Workout, chat girls, and have fun. 

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On 6/28/2020 at 10:29 PM, hoodrow trillson said:

You might not be as good looking as you think.  The way women treat you IRL is a huge clue.  

Ok bro maybe, but do you have to be model to have a girl?  There are proves everywhere that very average looking guys got the girls..

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@Kiko my advice is to start noticing the subtle ways in which you may be unconsciously sabotaging yourself. 

If it happens again, try to reproduce in your memory at which point of the conversation you started noticing that something's off and she's losing interest. What happened inside you right before that? What were you thinking about yourself and her? 

Could it be that you start judging yourself or her? 

It takes practice. You can also notice this with friends and other people. 

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overcome the neediness. its all in the self love for all aspects of yourself. 

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