
Loving the body to ultimate health

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Is there any capacity of physical healing greater than what medicine has to offer?

If god is omniscient and this whole existence is only a mere hallucination/dream, shouldn’t we have the possibility to heal our bodies through god, through love?

Jesus allegedly did this on quite a bunch of occasions, it was a big part of his ministry.

Abraham Hicks is talking about these things in her videos aswell.

Edited by deso

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Yes, but healing happens out of wholeness of its own accord, even if it's assisted by traditional medicine like the healing of a broken bone is a cast or if it defies science and normal human expectations. Illness, degradation and death are part of life like a healthy forest is full of things both growing and decaying. When this is accepted and life isn't owned or clung to, when separation and illness are not seen as reality, miracles of wholeness and healing occur within what is already whole, they already are. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@deso Placebo Effect is one example of how powerful the mind is.

Dr. Emoto's Water Experiment is also interesting to understand. 

On the outside we might be physical, but at the core we are energy. Radiating healing loving energy from within, and the cells in your body will react. It is the same as if one acted sick and weak. You trick the self, making it limitless, unrestricted to the standard ideas and expectations of others. It's the same trick that makes one limited and trapped inside a body perceive as the I. 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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