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I have such bad trauma from gay shit in the past that

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I have such bad trauma from gay shit in the past that i dont know if im gay or not. I've fucked like 24 girls but i still feel insecure about how i've had a gay experience. It makes me feel like i'm insane HOCD type of feeling and it's super distracting. Been trying to meditate more. Can anyone else relate?

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Sounds like the issue is coming from your toxic framing of it, "Gay shit"? That's an unhealthy and slightly bigoted way to put it. There is nothing wrong or invalid about your experience, unless of course it wasn't consensual. It's just an alternative expression of sexuality. It wouldn't make you homosexual either, it would make you bi-sexual. Which are not just different things personally but culturally as well. But if you aren't actually interested in the same sex and aren't attracted to them then what are you worried about?

You are manifesting the insecurity yourself.


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You could be bi-curious...regardless it doesn't have to have a negative connotation just accept it as reality and stop repressing it if you have been. The more you fight and resist against such thoughts and feelings, the more the stuff will resurface.


"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" -Rumi

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It's just thoughts and feelings... why be so hard on yourself? I don't find myself particularly attracted to men almost ever but on occasion some aspect of a man may arouse me. I wouldn't even consider myself bi. Sexuality is more fluid than you think and isn't just a binary

Edited by Lyubov

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