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Alternative Healing book tip required!

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Hi guys I wanted to dive more deep into the topic of alternative medicine and healing, but I'd like to do it from what I might consider a more neutral and conscious perspective, a stage Yellow-Turquoise author. Probably a Green one would be too biased against conventional medicine and to biased for alternative healing

Up until now I just read Dr Hyman books which give an interesting perspective on things that are not fully understood by the mainstream medicine and I also read and watch some good content from Dr Joe Dispenza (really mindblowing) , but now I was looking into another source more about other times of healings that people might consider woo-woo and scammy like Reiki, Acupuncture, Indian Medicine, etc

Can anyone recommend some author? 

Thanks in advance:x

Edited by docs20

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I remember reading a good book about chronic fatigue from deepak chopra focused on ayuverda

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just find what you resonate with. It’s a waste to bypass personal growth/understanding. Do the work, go within 

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Sometimes it's good to start with a bit of orange medical textbook just to understand how the body works. That way you'll be able to assess what you read in more alternative books more critically otherwise it is easy to land in the land of woo woo. Good to take in both scientific and natural perspective. Naturopathy is a good blend of the two :)

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Susam Blum really resonates with me; her approach is very thorough

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