Patrick Lynam


6 posts in this topic

Do you think it helps to have an understanding of the sciences like chemistry, physics or biology in grasping the absolute nature of reality? 

I have been watching the 'Crash course Chemistry' and I feel like I see a potential in understanding what reality is better if I can understand what 'Matter' is as a far as materialism suggests. 

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I find it kinda funny too when the guy in the course says stuff like 'Orbitals are the precise reason everything exists' Where i feel like leo would say that Love is the reason everything exists haha idk its interesting at the least

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If you find it interesting, go for it. Just remember that science makes predictions based on models, and models are like maps: they can be useful for going certain places, but the map is not the terrain. Once you learn to see the limitations of science, it'll steer you towards the absolute.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I would say the other way around, that psychedelics and spiritual experiences help you understand chemistry, physics and biology better, because they share a level of nuance and complexity. Distinctions made due to spiritual pursuits match distinctions used in modern science quite well.

But studying the sciences won't help you to reach the absolute. Why I think that? The science is just not advanced enough yet to merge with spirituality at any point.

So, maybe in the future there will be no difference whether you become a monk or scientist, but for now if you want Enlightenment rather go for the first.

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Any understanding is useful. Understanding of natural sciences is useful because once you understand them, you understand their limitations. 


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