Tim Gardner

Openmindedness - Challenging Absolute Truth

26 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, andyjohnsonman said:

I use spiral dynamics a lot as a lense to see the world and feel quite attached to it, So I decided to do an open mindedness exploration on "spiral dynamics is a lie". Heres what I wrote: 

It's not true that all big sample studies are correct. Just because a "blue' person has one blue characteristic doesn't mean that he falls into other blue characteristics. What you think of as a blue person could be more loving and developed  than a yellow person. The yellow person could have just as much judgement about how others cant see the whole of the spiral. SD could be a narrow view overlooking that whats most important - love, dogma, selfishness etc.

My idea is to sit with this and explore it while being able to go back and use SD as i please without attachment. 

Great exercise I like it!

It should be obvious to most people though that Spiral Dynamics is too painfully simplistic a model to give an accurate view of people and the world.

Too many people in this community throw this thing around as if it can explain everything and can get just generally dismissive of everything else. Even Leo is guilty of this intellectual laziness sometimes.


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It's strange i really like the episode so much, a very interesting topic, somehow many good example, but i still think neither Leo or anyone in the forum is really open minded or radically open minded, we all have biases that we don't see, some think they achieved the highest state or what they are practicing lead to something that they never experience but believe it's there.......... you may tell me oh you can't say nobody.. you did not spoke to everybody ..... dude just be open minded that i'm right

Edited by Spinoza

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@Roy It's true that people tend to get very excited about some models over others, but that should be expected really. For this forum it's SD and non-duality, for others it's gender theory, for others it's red-pill philosophy. We all have our favorites.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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20 hours ago, Tim Gardner said:

@Leo Gura

If someone asks you to imagine that God, Love, Truth and Reality are not

They both are and are not at the same time. Imagination is a function of the mind, but there's something prior to the mind. It is nothingness. From nothingness, everything emerges, including the mind and the ability to create distinctions. How can something come out of nothing? Sounds nonsensical, right? Nothingness isn't bound to sense. It creates the sense later on. Knowing/understanding is nothing other than the ability to create distinctions. This ability comes later after nothingness takes form and goes away after form merges back into nothingness.

Right now, you're in nothingness. There are no "actual" distinctions. You are imagining all distinctions. If you stopped imagining them, you'd become "insane" because people would perceive as insane, but in reality you'd become enlightened and judgements as such would not make any sense to you because you'd have no distinctions between sanity and insanity.

Edited by The observer

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10 hours ago, John Doe said:

@Cykaaaa Looking back, yes it did sound very aggressive. I'm sorry about that. I'm probably just projecting my own frustration with my personal spiritual work on to other people.

The fact that you can look at yourself like that suggests you are progressing even if it doesn't feel like that sometimes 

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