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Psychedelics with fast Tolerance Recovery?

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LSD is great but it takes to long for tolerance recovery (2 weeks)

You might say "just increase the dosage and then you have enough to integrate in 2 weeks" but i feel this is not my way of going about this whole shabang.

Ideally i want to trip every 3-7 days with small to medium dosages, this would fit perfectly to my lifestyle.

Any ideas?


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@Yonkon Tolerance reset is correlated with dosage. If you take small to medium doses, the tolerance reset is shorter. Most people can reset off a mini dose in three days and a moderate dose in seven days. Yet you will have to do your own experimentation to find out what the specific doses for your mind-body. It varies from person to person. 

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@Serotoninluv I didn't know that, thanks!

Could anyone tell me how long the tolerance reset for 50µg LSD would approximately be in your individual case?

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3 minutes ago, Yonkon said:

@Serotoninluv I didn't know that, thanks!

Could anyone tell me how long the tolerance reset for 50µg LSD would approximately be in your individual case?

It depends on the person’s metabolism. You would need to do this experiment on yourself. For me, a tolerance reset after a 50ug trip would be about 7-8 days. 

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DMT, DPT, 5-MeO-DMT, salvia

Hardly no tolerance and perhaps even reverse-tolerance.

Be careful. You can get in over your head.

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