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I probably have to work in the infirmary with corona infected people.

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I am currently about to become a male nurse (still in apprenticeship and I've got the opportunity to explore many different clinical areas) and currently work in the throat, nose and ear surgery. Due to Corona, surgeries have been reduced drastically, so the work. As a student, I am not a full time worker and I really appreciate not working during the weekend at the moment.

But today the chef came up to me "sooo as you seem to be very bored and my friends at the infect infirmary are really busy right now, I offer you the following" and let me choose: either helping those out who really need help or staying and chilling.

I am torn. Really. Because I might get infected very easily, all my current social contacts will be shut down even more. My girlfriend cried as we havent seen us at all the last months/weeks and now as the wave passes through Germany, she is even more afraid.

On the other hand, I cant stand chilling if there is work to be done.

Uff. Maybe a little advice here would be helpful :)

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You are going to have to decide what is the best route for you. I would highly suggest using a N95 mask with a face shield if you plan to be in close contact a lot. You chances of getting it do go up though by being around it of course. That is something you will have to decide for yourself. It sounds like you are pretty young and the mortality rate is quite low on younger people, especially if you are in good health. 

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Currently I am going through a pretty harsh awakening accompanied by lots of resistance. 

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