Patrick Lynam

Is there any point in having sex with lots of women

21 posts in this topic


You gain a lot of experience, learn techniques.

Have variety, can make a difference between quality sex and bad sex.

Might get a girlfriend, or cuddle buddy, or fuck buddies, etc.

Respect from men. Maybe also women, depends.

Confidence, self-respect.

The enjoyment of doing it.

Can give advice to newbies.

Expert on the field.

Can maybe write a book about how to do stuff properly in bed.



Can leave some girls pregnant.

Can get STD.

Some people might get possessive or attached to you.

Some people might feel used if they find out what u do

Some girls don't like guys who sleep around


I honestly don't care about the amount of sex a guy has had when I consider dating him. Some might. If you practice safe sex, have healthy boundaries and if it's consensual, feel free to do what you want. As someone else mentioned, the act is different than the idea.



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