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"Logic is logic..."

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I was watching some videos a spiritual youtube channel that explore the contents of reality and it's infinite layers mixed with motivational videos. I noticed that he mentions "logic" and "rationallity" quite a lot in his video, which trigger my orange shadow a bit. I don't have anything against "logic" or "rationality", they are but a facade of reality. It's just that i have a feeling he see logic as the absolute truth. In one of his video he devides the human race into 2 groups: the real human who is interested in spirituality; the fake human who are less intelligent, "low iq" and have no hope in awakening. I can see that he fell into the trap of hating society, thinking that the government's purpose is nothing but to suppress and take control of it's citizen and to feed the mastermind behind all of it.

So me be me, i posted a comment to "debunk" his worldview (in a manner which i consider friendly), using "Godel's incompleteness theorem", i also pointed out the benefits that society gives him. He "hearted" my comment and responded with 

"Nice points, but logic is logic, in the same way as math is math. Logic is not subjective"

What do you think of him ? (and maybe of me)

He isn't just some conspiracy theorist O.o that believes reptillian controls the world or anything like that. He seems nice, most of his viewers are open minded indivisuals, the quality of his video is very good (the editing, music,...) I like his videos on mind altering substances, and entities from another realm. This is about his understanding of reality.

Edited by VerballyHazardous

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Everything is subjective. So epic fail right there.

Spirituality can not be done with logic. End of story.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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