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Insights while watching Leo's video about Salvia Divinorum

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Every sense of self depends on a memory. Material reality is nothing else but manifested memory (Karma).
Memory and imagination refer to the same construction process, past and future meet themselves in the present.
A memory could be described as the reflection of raindrops on a spiders web inside one of these drops.
The mathematical analogon for a memory is the number of illetarations within the same self-constructing algorithm.
A multidimensional fractal, splitted into an infinity of temporary „selves“, each experiencing different start- and ending points
(different illateration/zooming-levels = perspectives) of the same underlying process called creation.
This self-defining process can by defintion have no memory of its own beginning and is not capable of imaganing (and therefore manifesting)
an ending for it-self
, because every (first) memory is being constructed by imagination and every imagination (about the end) is beeing constructed by memory
(=relative to, dependend on it) within the present moment.
It can always imagine a beginning further back and the notion of death must relate to a memory going extinct.
This mysterious algorithm/process itself exists „outside“ of time creating (imagining) it and „inside“ of time experiencing (remembering) it.
Time is just a limeted-information yet infinite inward/outward-zooming (-∞; +∞) and only appears for „selves“.
Their information-limit stems from the lack of knowledge about their own starting point (and ending) and everything before or beyond it.
A self is just a little section of the infinite self-mirroring echoic wavestructure,
existing through a relative, limited, quantified gap within the never-ending self-referential attempt of the self to know it-Self.

Nothing can contain itself (but nothing itself).
Similarily you can't become fully conscious of yourself, unless there ist no self.

Keeping in mind that there probably exist different parallel algorithms/timelines/etc. beyond our limited imagination and experience as selves,
we can clearly see the impossibility of understanding reality completely let alone putting it into words and symbols without confusion.
Language and the dualistic viewpoint in general is a memory (a reletive perspective) about the process (the absolute, reality),
and the process is nothing but imagination of relative perspectives.
This version of reality you are experiencing right now must be the way it is, in its tight, tough and stiff appearing structure,
for you to be able to refer to yourself as a (consistent) self.

Therefore no matter how enlightened you are, your limited bodymind-avatar consisting of condensed cosmic memory is unable to
create/imagine and experience/memorize more than its own little section of reality allows him to do.
All the teachers only have grasped some dimensions of beeing (as you do),
some are even stuck in the idea that a tap into god-consciousness revealed everything to their little egomind.
Anything relative in this world is an imagination of god, every object, every self.
Beeing able to read, you obviously don't experience full god-consciousness (no particular limited memory such as language) right here at this very moment, though the existence of it is everpresent in the "background" of course. So don't let anyone fool you about it.
Any teacher using communication to express the highest truth buys into this corrupted reality
so his words are coming from a one-dimensional limited memory.

There are always higher levels and deeper understanding. But no one else can tell you what reality is like better than you can.
If someone tells you he experiences god-consciousness and you don't, he has not really understood.
The realisation of the guru beeing one with everything, imagining and experiencing it, including all present perceptions of your here-and-now reality, is nothing but your own realisation of yourself beeing the highest authority.
God-consciousness is not personal, though the individual bodymind can feel liberated by the knowledge about an existence of the Self outside its limited boundaries. If you experience limited, condensed reality right now, there's nothing wrong with it. If it has happened, it will happen again.
Don't desperatly try to hack your way out of reality pursuing enlightenment, for it is attaching you to the memory you try to forget (your bodymind).
The true acceptance of the here-and-now-experience will give rise to the wise, humble, empathetic and authentic guru you love the most.
He knows about awakening and sleeping, the absolute and the relative, the eternal and the temporary.
Realising that you were sleeping is only possible from a woke perspective. But you should keep in mind that sleeping is possible, too.

I felt quite inspired by Leo's video, how about you? What are your thoughts about it?

~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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I do not see the video either. I see everyone's discussing it though. 

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@Exystem Your descriptions of Infinity are right on.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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the notice about the absolute is, too. but it’s still lacking some openness. the absolute is only for so long absolute as it remains a closed system.

in that the attempt of communication breaks that. there is still some solipsism in this picture. which is the source to absolutism.

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Yes, to have higher abstraction you need more abstract models of time, space, consciousness, etc. 

 You have been gifted the Golden Kappa~! 


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On 3/1/2020 at 0:01 AM, Exystem said:


I felt quite inspired by Leo's video, how about you? What are your thoughts about it?

Yes infinity cannot be grasped from the finite.  It cannot reference itself because it is itself.  So that's why an enlightened master can only speak of Truth and those words are partial.  It is part of Truth but it is not the whole of it.    Truth is something you are but just have to become aware that you are by paradoxically collapsing a you to be aware of it - so that there is only awareness itself as itself.  Just have to become conscious that you are Yourself.  Pure Being / isness with no reference.   I give you Infinity.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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