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John Iverson

Can you create or discover something new even you are now enlightened?

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So after sometime reading my big toe and having an aha moments by myself i made a question based on this:

given all there is, is consciousness.. truth is equal to consciousness, science, philosophy is discovering truths and the end game is deriving at that point where they realize that is God.. and they are God.. we are God. what is now the point? The rest is about that... if i discovered something new somehow it is not amazing for me nothing new for real because this is me.. a part of me.. a new part of me... okay??? Meeeeeeeh I have that kind of feeling,... cuz okay now this a new part of me.. what is the point so what is new? There is nothing new cuz everything is me.. that makes it nothing new.... i create a computer and that computer become new but really i am also that so there is nothing new really... 

.. i am creating based on my love cuz i am consciousness.. but at the same time there is nothing a point so what now? There is nothing new to discover.. because the ultimate discovery is i am that , we are can i create having the consciousness i have now? WHAT TO CREATE? Something newwwww... It is not new because i am also thatttttttttttttttt even if not i am not conscious enough... lets say.. yea i am not conscious enough.. but the Ultimate truth is the same.. so what's new... ?  Newness doesn't  exist... so what now.. arggg!! 


 I want to create something to maximize love but, having that kind of truth i'm like, all of this pursuing find something new is something don't give me inspiration anymore.. because it is like oh this is unknown i will make people see this part of me or create this.. but what i am creating is me ?.. i'm trap.. all i can do is the rest of my life and every life time is like this.. what the fuck... even before when i am not in this body i am trap here for infinity doing the same thing over and over again, to create.. and deluding my self.. create a new reality.. so on and so fort.. so pfff nothing special about it... it is special by people who don't know the truth.. but when you somehow have the glimpse and you create something it is something like MEEEEH .. i am inspired because i have my life purpose but by adding that truth that all of this is illusion and all of this is part of me.. what is the point... idk.. can i create something more cooler about it? Because now i have the foundation that is necessary to advancement?? Or it is something i must deal with?? But howwwww!! How to create having this that is NEWWWWWWWW..

tho Leo if you read this.. i have new books from your booklist to read.. specially the manifesto for creating you shared! Hahaha maybe there i can have the answer.. i want to create something big that will change the whole track of 21st century.. and having what i am going to create is the start of new things to happen.. based on truth... specially in science... 


so people who will read this... i will give you now the ball it is now you doing the dribble then pass to me what you can say about THIS.



Idk know anymore

Edited by John Iverson

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