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What does stage blue spirituality look like?

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Could it be the dogmatic monk or could it be a fake woke guru ? 

In retrospect I believe they are woke but there concepts are just wrong 

for example on Youtube this guy thinks he is woke but talks like a sailor and says the n word a lot 

on the other hand a Youtuber who is into Zen but fails to accept and understand other important concepts 

S O if someone listens to a stage blue spirituality and believes it and transends it and then outgrows it will they continue be triggered by it or just transend it? 

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@ShugendoRa a person can become conscious of what God is, but he can be totally unconscious that he is a racist. The most important thing of this work is not awakening, its key, but in my experience understanding how twisted the mind actually is and how self-deception is a very deep problem of reality brought a lot of understanding why people seem to be crazy sometimes. They are victims of their own mind. Self reflection is very important, but ego minded people are not conscious about their selfish acts, its very very hard to notice and accept that, because its very mechanical


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