
Just a little bit of love

107 posts in this topic


meditation: yes

mood: peaceful 

spiritual notes:

1) just feel. Stop thinking please, 

all words and thoughts are not it.

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I get why poems are a thing, to point at something that was unseeable. A blank canvas = infinite possibilities. 

All actions are it, yet the opposite of that which you seek. Stillness like a calm lake. A busy river. The sky blowing leafs.

Mother Earth, Father sky
Love and light.
Have and want.
It's a trap to even be talking. You failed the second you thought. Spoke, or became. 
Yet, you are beautiful. 
Love me for I am you, we are the devil 

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meditation: Lately I've been just randomly sitting throughout the day and start meditating for however long then in the night do a 20 min meditation 

mood: I feel pretty good, calm, and peaceful.


1) I was reading someone's post on the forum and honestly I gotta take, well I want to take on more responsibilities. Learn to become independent. This is a great time. 

2) I really contemplated this and I am seeing more and more that I'm passionate about helping people develop spiritually. I find joy and peace within it. When I first got on this path I taught a few people, which worked, yet I saw my lack of experience. 

I want to become a life coach or a guide of some sorts. Like a spiritual teacher. I feel this fire thinking about it. Nothing else lights me up than teaching this. I just see a lack of life experiences. I was understanding to best help another I should at least be in my tweeties and even thirties seem like a sweet spot(from what I have researched). It's not even about age, it's about being able to relate to more people's experiences in life to truly understand and guide them. 

So it's conflicting, this is what I'm passionate about, yet to truly lead someone more experience is needed. Not that I haven't helped adults before. I've helped quite a few people and many people thank me. found my passion young and now I should develop myself around helping so when the times come to help I will be the best me I can be. 

xDit's funny, I would love to get more hands on experience and be guided on how to help/ guide people to peace, happiness, and their true nature.

edit: I don't care about age, I see the potential in the "now". I literally have this drive to love and get people to love their life's. 

Edited by SilentTears

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So, I remembered that I can feel this girls thoughts and emotions sometimes, which I forgot wasn’t “normal” heh. For the past two days my heart has been hurting soooo much. I’m in good moods, however, I feel like there is a whole in my chest. Going straight through. Energetically of course. The physical discomfort is bearable to say the least. 

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Energeticly I just feel it open. Just focusing I can open or close. Honestly, I tap into love very easily. If I meditate I will connect to love. 

I used to get heart pains for the longest time when I went through my awakening so maybe that's how. It just seems like second nature. I can feel it fill up and when it does I experience this love like no other. 

I remember I used to visualize a lot and one technique I created for myself was imaging a pure white being behind me place their hand on the back on my heart and pour white energy into my heart. 

I have a great meditation for clearing energy I would like to send you. It helped a lot with being in my own energy. I wanna know if you feel any difference. 

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I re-hit a point where I am pleased enough to drop all and follow a self-actualized life. 

I’ve done this before and I remember how much I’ve grown. Honestly, the me right now is just getting back into the old positive systems of improvement that worked for me so long ago. I created a structured daily habit list. I know where I want to put my energy and time. I have a purpose and a vision. It feels nice. I know how great it feels to feel like you are live up to your true potential. God, waking up daily being excited with life. Crying from love. Etc. it’s really beautiful bring able to connect with others who often experience the same as me. They follow their dreams and passion. Live their life’s in the most optimal way possible. 

Excited for life ✌️

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Relationships are something I feel passionate about cultivating at this time. How do we live with the best relationship possible?

how does a successful, open, and honest relationship look like? 

How do I achieve this? 

Unconditional love and pure vulnerability. Those are two things I used to cultivate :P which have served me well. Let’s see where my life goes!

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@SilentTears Hey i tried the guided but it didn't work. I have an energy blockage in the third eye, and i don't feel love but the guided didn't resolve either issue.

I had trouble visualizing the light pouring into my chakras, but not sure how to improve that.

Edited by Raptorsin7

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Thanks for sharing, that’s quite an interesting experience. I know there are quite a few ways to open up your third eye and I have gotten some great results for that myself. 

Honestly, I’ve been pretty lucky as I think all my chakras are pretty clear and energy seems to be easy to control for me. 

When visualizing I tend to imagine a beam of golden light, that covers my whole body, fall down on me slowly. First my head, then throat, shoulders, torso, legs, then push all energy out my feet. I kinda improvised my own technique onto what she shared. 

A technique I used to use to find answers was to say out-loud “I would like to know how to resolve this experience in my life” or some way of asking. Anyways, I just tend to trust that everything will come and happen at the right time. It’s always worked out for me. 

Stay positive! Live well, and know that answers are abundant. Feel good to feel good @Raptorsin7, much love ❤️ 

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Mood: I feel aware and joyful. Listening to music is a blast, that's all I gotta say.

meditation: no clue how long, I'll just call these meditations intuitive meditations from now on

notes on life:

1) so much has happened ngl, my life seems so interesting. Gotta love it.

all I want to say is I'm thankful for being guided to where I am now. All love, joy, happiness. I like hanging my hat here and enjoying the view. Sometimes we just gotta jump into the truth. 


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this was an informative video. I just researched what and who empath’s are, and I relate to most of what she said. Soaking up the environments energy, understanding what people will say before they say the words, how powerful words are vibrationally etc. guess I truly am an empath, however I already knew that. I should go deeper into this work. 

I notice how when it shifts to night time I connect with the divine with a lot more clarity. I will often see spirts and have visions if I stay up till 1-5 am. And during that time time I will have such clarity with in my conversations. I mean conversations with the divine. There is a voice in my head that guides me and talks to me. It sounds weird, so I don’t really like sharing, like many other secrets I hold dear to me. I keep a lot of things hidden as it feels sacred to me. 

I understand how powerful intent and emotions truly are. 

I want to know if other empaths are just as energy sensitive as I am. I’m sure each person has a different degrees in which they are. Like me for example, I can channel energy throughout my body and expel any negative heavy energy. Also, any positivity, love, sexually charged energy I can circulate throughout my body and channel it into my words or eyes. 

Mood: I feel a little down. 

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I forget how not "normal" I am. For example, my heart randomly starts beating faster and faster while shooting out heat into my body. Which helps a lot! I use that to channel love and active emotions. 

Active emotions: joy, happiness, love...

sadness, hollowness, calmness, are not active emotions. Each emotion has a different energy feeling to them which helps me understand them.

most emotions have different effects on my consciousness.

for example, active emotions are great for contemplation and tapping into unconditional love. 

The other emotions tend to all have different purposes/uses as I use sadness for consciousness. If I'm sad my awareness just shoots through the roof. Each one has different subtle effects that I use to understand and grow. I wonder if anyone notices how to intuitively channel emotions and use them for growth. 

My heart has been a great source of knowledge. it's the center of most emotions. Shame and guilt tend to come from the solar plexus. 


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I have this strong feeling that being an empathy goes much deeper than I ever imagined. There is a lot of information here and online about us that I just was living. Of course most people can't feel people's energy through text, read minds or tap into what I do! 

That said, this all feels super normal. I just feel like this is all as simple as going to the park. What often amazes me is how the deeper in spirituality I go the more and more my sense of "normal" turns. It's magical from an outside perspective as I don't even share some of the stranger things. 

Then again I think I'm giving myself to much credit for thinking this is normal. Im sure there are many more people like me who find all of spirituality confortable and just the normal process. ^_^

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meditation: 20 min

mood: content, happy, and a little bit peaceful


1) I tend to have quite a few different emotions and levels of awareness throughout my day so my journal would vary quite a bit depending on when I write it. Anyway, I was looking at this forums dating section and I was reading a post about someone looking for advice with dating and all that stuff. Some of the advice hit me hard. I realized I lost some of my flare, lmao. I don't know, just some passion and charisma. When I read my old messages(from about a year or two ago) I cannot stop laughing at how funny the conversations were. I noticed that being funny to others and myself is something that was always natural to me. I grew up being the class clown so I knew how to make people laugh and tell exiting stories. It has a lot to due with bouncing off of the person you are talking to. Like you are both consciously playing the roles while being immersed in them. 

Going into this work made me go serious.. ewww. I tend to use more complex vocabulary and terminology from this work, as well as structure my sentences into a more formal fashion. I've grown a lot intellectually as well as spirituality, however I lost a bit of that child like playfulness. I used to practice my jokes on different people and I knew when to say things and how to say them. How body language worked and all that stuff, of course I never analyzed it like this it was just just second nature. 



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Meditation: 17 min

mood: I feel a little better


1) I wrote a journal here and I ended up deleting it since I knew it came from a lower place. 

Love and light should be my focus. Raising awareness, being in high states of consciousness and tapping into unconditional love

I plan to make huge changes in my life and I am gunna start creating positive feedback loops in my life

2) I plan on taking a break from here since I believe I need it. 

I’ll be back in a few days ✌️


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I’m back, that was great!


meditation: I did meditate every day

mood: I feel more content overall

1) I am doing a lot better mood wise and just pure mindfulness. It felt nice taking a break and relaxing for a bit. 

2) I want to create solid habits that increase my day to day mindfulness. Maybe I should take up shamanic breathing again. 


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Clarity of the mind.

meditation makes me more intelligent. It opens my mind up to a while new world. I realized I was doing meditation on autopilot so I switched to actually being mindful and my god. The effects are completely different. 

I realized that my mind is not grasping these old concepts. I was about to go on autopilot again and I caught myself. I realized the concepts, the context. My whole personality shifted. I dropped limiting beliefs so easily. 

Basically I became a whole new person, yet who is this person I identify with? Haha. 

I am noticing why my life was so amazing. I was aware of the traps and it’s so easy to shed limiting beliefs when you become more conscious. 

I feel like my old self. 

Reality is amazing. Love and light. Nothingness and everything. I’ve had a few glimpses of non duality. One happened from someone on this forum that ended up being banned, which is kinda funny. I loved reading his posts however much I saw faults in them... well, that’s only after it was processed through me. Unconscious biases *bleh*.... 

so, he was speaking how there is no separation and awareness. Where does the line get drawn on what makes us, us. He created this long post on this and how if he can even help one person realize this he is happy and it’s funny cause I was that one person. The depth he went into triggered something in me and all of a sudden everything started merging. There was no “I” “table” etc. there was only “this”. Everything was consciousness. Granted I only got a few second glimpse before it faded and it was about a year ago. I loved what Leo said how we may not keep these states however they are forever intergrated unto our psyche.

there is so much to become aware of that I have no idea. Every time my awareness raises I always respond the same way. I am aware that you just don’t see it the same way or understand what there is to understand until you experience a shift. 

Well, love and light! ✌️

Edited by SilentTears
Love is always the answer

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