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Need advice

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I need some advice on how i can best move forward from the position i'm in right now.


At the moment i'm unemployed, and i will be starting a new job in about 2 weeks. I will also be moving out of my parents house in about 2 months time, and I know what direction i want to go in, but i'm not sure how to execute my plan from the position i'm in right now, as i don't have any saved up cash.

I want to move to a city 4 hours from here, that has a college which i can attend at evenings for 3 days per week. For my situation this will be perfect, as i'm planning on working a dayjob at the same time. This will give me the opportunity to get a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, which i will be using to get an entry level job in the field i want to work in. All of this, is of course related to my Life purpose, and it's my only reason for doing this. The problem however, is again the fact that i don't have any saved up cash, which i need to get a place over there. I've been trying to get a job over there to make the transition easier, but i would have to travel over 4 hours everyday to get back and forth between my house and the city, until i permanently move there.

The only solution i see right now is doing a minimum wage job ( i don't have a good degree ) in the area i'm in right now, but this almost doesn't give me the possibility to save up cash, as i will be paying for rent and other expenses at the same time. I'm also scared that i will get stuck and in a rut, just working all the time to make ends meet.

For example: today i went to a job interview which is minimum wage, and as i discussed the salary with the boss, it became clear that i will only be getting 1.4k a month at that job. I've been calculating how much i would be able to save up every month, and it's only going to be about 150$. At that rate it will take a long time to get a decent amount of money to move to the city i need to move to. This doesn't feel like the right choice, and it will take too much time ( already 27 and i don't wanna waste more years in the wrong direction).

I've also been thinking about getting a loan (5-10k), but this might be a stupid thing to do, as i'm going to be paying this loan of for at least 3-4 years every month. Maybe this will become a burden over time. I'm also not sure if i'm going to be accepted to get a loan, but if i do, this would obviously be a huge leap forward and almost an instant fix to my problem.

Any advice is welcome.

"I should've been a statistic, but decided to go against all odds instead. What if?" - David Goggins.

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It sounds like your question is whether you should get the loan or not - everything else you've figured out (direction in life, career choice, place you want to move, etc.), and now it's just a matter of actually manifesting them in the real world.

I'm no expert at all on personal finances or loans or anything like that, so don't take this as professional advice, but it sounds like your intuition is right and trying to stay where you are and slowly etch out enough cash to move will only hold you back in the long term, compared to if you took the loan and dived right in. Yes, repayments are a bitch, and I understand the desire to not be shackled with debt, but at this point either option is going to involve some degree of suffering (monotony of staying where you are and putting your life on hold vs. moving to a new city but having to pay back a loan.) The only question is which suffering will you prefer? And to me it sounds like the repayments will be the lesser burden to suffer, because even though you'll have to make sure you pay them back every month for a couple of years, the psychological rejuvenation of being in a new place, meeting new people, seeing new sites will be the motivation you need to stick with it and put up with the repayments. Besides, it'll help you get your degree quicker, which'll ultimately improve your money prospects down the line. The alternative is to stay where you are and save up enough cash to get there yourself, but this has its own set of risks as you might be made redundant, you might get stuck in a rut as you say, and so on. Leo talks about following your intuition when trying to create your life purpose, and this may be one of those times you have to listen to it.


This is just my two cents anyway. I'd like to see others' replies because I don't really have much experience with these things and maybe some others have.


Edited by Apparition of Jack

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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