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Healthy Dreamy Nutrition

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This is what i wish i could eat every morning, today, i was able to make this, and honestly, i wish to share it with this community and many more. So please enjoy, tell me what you think about my morning creation, my morning creativity, and share and give me links to thing that are as sweet and healthy as this. Anyways, i personally know this is way to much sugar, but honestly, i hardly do this type of eating, anyways, hope you enjoy and if you do it, please let me know!

- Nature Valley Crunchy Peanut Butter Bars (NVCPBB)
- Organic Ground Flax Seeds
- Chosen Foods Chia Seeds
- Natural Directions Organic Peach Slices (NDOPS)

You want to get two NVCPBB and crush them, I personally used the NDOPS Can to do so. Then pour the crushed up bar into a bowl. Now get your flax seed and start to pour it into the bowl as well, do same things with Chia Seeds. I personally eye ball everything, this works for me, but if you’re the person that need to have things counted, the bags on themselves have the information you are so much looking for. Now you get your NDOPS Can, open it up and pour it onto the bowl as well. 

Give it a 5 or 10 minutes to soak in its juices and enjoy.

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I think there are some repeating parts in your video. I wouldn't think that the canned peach is a great addition to a meal (if talking about clean eating), in my opinion. 

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