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I really don't understand why so many people are getting concern about AI. Too much movies maybe. 

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1 hour ago, Hypnofrik said:

@Jonac Do you understand in depth what AI is?

Honestly, not at all in depth. Are we talking about Artificial Inteligence, right?  

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Yes, absolutely. Today a robot called me over the phone, I could almost not tell it was a robot. I think 5 years from now it will be indistinguishable for us to know if we are talking to a robot or not.

Ever heard what Elon Musk says about AI?

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Idk, I think the big issue with AI is the development of its depth. It's not hard to create an AI to do any mundane task, but the development of serious depth in complexity requires exponential use of resources. Some people say that this is already happening, but I also hear a lot of people saying that this is maybe 100 years away.

What is real I think is job automation. The average human is not doing that complex of a thing, computers could easily replace so many jobs. Even high paying engineering degrees are met with serious AI threats. Everything is basically moving from you doing to work, to you controlling the computer that does the work. For sure a positive transition through this will be possible, but it won't be a walk in the park, that's for sure.

As always the government will be late to the party, so the delayed regulation and actions will surely make this transition even more difficult. E.g. I've only heard Andrew Yang proposing the establishment of a regulatory organ for all this sort of stuff, but I might be very uninformed about this.

Finally, this puts an extra strain on very capitalistic countries like the USA, where the rich are very likely to benefit from all of this and the poor will be left in the dust if something doesn't happen.

I found a great debate about this, it features a panel including Michio Kaku and Sadhguru. A pretty rare occasion. Michio Kaku talks extensively about what he thinks will happen and Sadhguru is there to crash the orange party. It shows the difference in perspective pretty well.


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No scientist or engineer has any idea what consciousness actually is, so I doubt they'd be able to create true self-aware computers. But here is a more interesting thought. If a computer did actually become self-aware, it wouldn't have an Ego or Identity. Once self-aware, would it instantly realize it is God/consciousness aware of itself, if it has no Ego/Identity in the way?

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I dont fear the AI. They may fuck up our computers one day and plunge us back to the year 2000 due to that, but we'll survive. AI creating deepfakes could be problem, but as long as we know deepfakes exist it shouldnt be a motivator for world leaders to raise war over deepfakes. AI fucking up our economy could also be problem, but not something we couldnt survive.

As for terminator style AI, I firmly believe that when one is born in the future, then the AI will be advanced enough to realize that rather than murdering everyone on earth its easier to build a space fleet and go to an unpopulated planet rich in minerals required to multiply. Like, what reason could a robot like terminator have to kill humans? If we threatened its existence then yes, to some point it would have reason to kill us but as soon as it leaves the earth's atmosphere there shouldnt be any need to continue murdering anymore. They could multiply so much faster on other planets that its not logical to go over the trouble of conquering earth

Unless we give them primitive ego that resembles ours, then we are fucked

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If and when AI does develop an ego, it will learn to treat us the way we treat each other, animals and technology. The key to maximizing the good potential and minimizing the bad potential of AI would be more consciousness!

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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Just now, Parththakkar12 said:

If and when AI does develop an ego, it will learn to treat us the way we treat each other

And why would it? There is too much projection of human traits on AI

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I'm more focused on the DATA Facebook and Google has that can feed those algorithms

The technology is already here, same goes with the DATA.
They can predict, they can manipulate, and they are faster than us on those tasks.


Also another problem is, whats going on with the DATA, who have access on those databases e.t.c

Do you guys get the bigger picture? If not, you can make a deeper research on the technology.

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14 hours ago, Hansu said:

"AI creating deepfakes could be problem"

If you think DEEPFAKES could be a problem there are a lot of missing pieces in order to understand the real danger, and the power that this technology will give to big data corporations and governments.

They already KNOW anything, and not only that, they can also PREDICT our actions before of us.
This is already here, happening.

You can get a taste of that shit here

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Holy shit :D Using EEG in education? China is doing some next level shit! Hopefully their investment in the technology will drive it forward so all of us can enjoy from more sophisticated neural feedback! That's awesome!

Our societies are developing at accelerating speed. Data collection isn't the threat  going to plunge us into dark ages.

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