
Why do I know things conceptually but don’t experience the reality of them?

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Why is it that I can understand in concept oneness and it’s ramifications, as well as things like “people’s opinions of you don’t matter” - yet I could still have experiences or go through life in ways that would suggest that I do care what other people’s opinions of me are. 

If it’s something like “I haven’t realised the truth of it yet” then how does that happen? Because I’ve contemplated it for long periods of time - I understand that other people’s opinions of you literally has no power over my life unless I give it that power.

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This is really the paradox of this spiritual thing, you understand it logically and because you understand you naturally want to change your mind to that way of thinking. But the difficulty comes in who wants to change it? If youre still identified with your mind as in you believe you are your thoughts or you believe that you are a separate self, then the change you want is to improve what youre attached to and what youre attached to is not real. So you are not accepting whatever you are, youre mind has constructed a fantasy of what you could be if only you could not care what people think, so this type of thinking gets you stuck because you could always find some concept that sounds good to the mind and could seemingly 'improve' 'you'.

The truth of this is the realisation that you cant 'get' anywhere and that you are already there, essentially you need to give up and see that all of these thoughts, sensations whoever you think you are, is not you. This cant be done overnight, in fact it cant really be done, but once you see what youre not youll be able to see the truth. 

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2 minutes ago, Consept said:


The truth of this is the realisation that you cant 'get' anywhere and that you are already there, essentially you need to give up and see that all of these thoughts, sensations whoever you think you are, is not you. This cant be done overnight, in fact it cant really be done, but once you see what youre not youll be able to see the truth. 

Sound like Eckhart lol, it’s true though what you’re saying and I agree.

Would you say dropping everything is more effective than confront these fears head on to desensitise? 

Could someone live that reality without desensitising? So imagine if someone was a super shy person and never spoke to women, could that whole thing be overcome by dropping all associations with thoughts or does this person still have to go through a process that confronts it? 

Or is it just that desensitising is a form of spiritual practice that could lead you to that realisation anyway?

so many questions lol 

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OK so heres one way of looking at it (dont worry about all the questions lol), I had or still kind of have OCD as in im a recovering thought addict if you like. Mine is pure O so essentially i would have a thought that is not true and literally not be able to stop thinking about this thought, lets say the thought is im a women in a mans body (some people have this), all day ill try and get this thought out of my head, ill try and work it out, ill try everything and it will drive me crazy trying to get this thought out of my head, to me at that moment its real even though logically i know its not. 

So what can 'i' do? If i try anything from the perspective of this self that believes this illusion it simply wont work as it will just create more thought activity and go round in circles, so its really 2 things which is one i have to really see that this thought is not true, its an illusion and yes also desensitise myself to it so this could be facing the fear, but the two go hand in hand. If you see its an illusion the fear disappears or rather is fully accepted, as the fear is also an illusion.  

So in your example of someone whos shy, he couldnt just approach women and then automatically it will be gone he would have to see that there is nothing there stopping and that the fear is created, once this is seen he would be able to approach them with the fear which will then lessen everytime he approaches, there will be a natural reaction of fear at first as the body is sensitised to this situation. It is possible that by approaching many women he will see that its not fearful and maybe you could see the illusion through that but thats not always the case, i think its good to be aware of both. 


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1 hour ago, Jahmaine said:

Why is it that I can understand in concept oneness and it’s ramifications, as well as things like “people’s opinions of you don’t matter” - yet I could still have experiences or go through life in ways that would suggest that I do care what other people’s opinions of me are. 

Conceptual awareness is not necessarily embodiment. 

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Are there any strong emotions present when things still bug you, even if you know the thing "shouldn't" bug you conceptually?


It might help to consider intellect/thinking as distinct, or on a separate layer, than beliefs held in a sort of emotional-body.  These beliefs, emotions, or traumas may require some deeper healing, letting go, or realizations to confront and be free of.


Taking new perspectives may also help in seeing issues in new lights  (recontexualization and paradigms = Leo's got videos on these).  Lights which hold the key.


Have you ever come across those puzzles where you try and try and try it and you just can't figure it out?  And then someone comes along and does it and the answer is soooo simple, it was right under your nose.  You just weren't looking at it in the right way.  Maybe you were looking at it from too close, too far, or at the wrong angle.  But, now that you see it in a new light, it's obvious.  






"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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“opinions of others do not matter” - is true when you know 100% that you can be or do anything. Then you have moved pass opinions of others. 

The opinions do matter if you think of someone who is always being anxious or nervous. Thats because they value these too much. That is very common in instagram. Where people look for opinions of others by posting pictures to show “confidence” but in reality it never adds up to confidence that you would expect to find. 

Opinions are always false so are people who seek them. So you dont lose anything if you would give those up.   Because they were nothing even when you beginned. 

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