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John Iverson

Why is that for alot of people they easy to say answers than to say I don't know

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So, today I've been watching a video of a run for a beauty pageant, having a conversation with the host Around her they invited people who is posing their question , questions like were you pro-abortion or criminalizing it? We usually answer it right a way, are we assume things? I don't know.. i never heared a single person in beauty pageant like miss universe they will say that the answer is I don't know? Or if we are a student in class we used to come up with an answerand the teacher will find its way to connect to what is really being said in the book,.. i used to be like that, but now i see that all of this is a part of my delusion from the truth, i am deluding my self from that, it brings more and more ignorance from doing that,.. it is easy to come up an ideals and project it to the world and to people than really question what is the truth? What the fuck! I have this feeling of there is something that makes me question about the easyness of people say things about their opinions, commenting to such things, judging, or say things , believing in things that presents in their mind.. why is that like that?? 

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