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Evolution vs Revolution

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Evolution is slowly, so it might take decades for our society to evolve living in harmony and transforming with optimal rate of growth.

Instead, revolution gives the same results within a shorter time frame. 

Isn't it better to fight for a cause to create a sudden change, which might have took so much longer with the natural evolution process. 

Which should be preferred in which context. Can you guys help me clarify things here? 

Edited by Amit
Added a question in the end

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There is no such clear line. Both happen. Evolution is both gradual and sudden.

It all depends on the details of the situation. There's no simple rule for what is best.

Sometimes by trying to go too fast things end up taking twice as long.

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@Leo Gura agreed, I have this tendency to go too fast, and competitive to be the best. Watching your videos have helped me to let go of this tendency but it comes again and again. 

Also I have a long list of things keep going in mind that I want to do but still not clear how it will manifest in the future. So my go to strategy has become to trying to go too fast. So that I can be miles ahead of others. But it takes me longer in the end. 

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13 hours ago, Amit said:

Instead, revolution gives the same results within a shorter time frame. 

That may be the intention but the future outcomes of present actions are bound to be uncertain with something complex like human society. The problem with a revolution is, if it does go wrong, it's much harder to rewind back and try something else. That's why big new ideas are often piloted in a small scale first to see if they work well, you can learn lessons and make adjustments before rolling out across the whole country. A whole society contains citizens at different stages of development, so the change strategy (fast or slow) needs to be very sophisticated to fit us all.

This question is a bit generalised, are there any particular issue(s) you are interested in @Amit Which context is your priority for our development? Otherwise, we are just left with Leo's reply that it depends on the situation. 

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