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Was that Astral Projection?

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I had one more of these weird and scary dreams that I had in my teenage years!

I would wake up unable to move my body, and sometimes when I tried to force waking up I had sharp pain in my stomach and my teeth chattering , the scary part was when I felt someone is touching me or running around in my bad, I was freaked out! I was scared falling back a sleep. I can't remember and how this is connected but somehow I wake up, go wash my face, talk to my parents(it was kinda vague every time), and I just fall back floating in my room unable to move and scared of whats happening and I wake up, only to repeat this cycle again/ I couldnt know wheter I was awake or not at first. The more I was afraid of it, the more it happened and so I decided to relax when I had this paralyzed and floating experiences. I started taking some control of it, I kinda knew that I was dreaming even I falsely wake up, and after some experimentation  I tried getting out through my bedroom walls. Every time I tried it I woke up for real. One night I did it and I manage to fly . And they stopped. After 7-8 years it happened again, and holly shit I was scared xD I "woke up" paralyzed again, when trying to get up I had sharp pain in my head that was unwilingly controling my arms I was like holly SHIT ! I remebered  that happened to me years back and I relaxed, us soon I relaxed I woke up and went to tell my parents that I have a headache, and they ware awake in the middle of the night in the living room(I was kinda suspicious) I had conversation with them of what happened  and I want to go to the doctor and stuff and my teeth started chattering  again, I remamber  was a dream and I woke up.

All that time I didn't know what is going on and that  there was a thing called Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming.


Did you guys had similar experiences?

I will for sure start doing more research :D 

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Hi @EddieEddie1995 , there are some related experiences such as astral projection, lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis. Wikipedia is a good place to start as any. Other people here have described them too. I've had a few experiences of astral projection and sleep paralysis when I was younger (up to my 20s but not recently). I know what you mean that this type of stuff is scary if you don't know what's going on. 

 Is it still a problem for you now, or are you researching it for knowledge of what happened when you were younger?  I'm just trying to see if you need some immediate help dealing with it, or just looking for an understanding of this subject in general. 

Edited by silene

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Hi@silene Im just looking for understanding for the subject . Its funny how i was denying it, but i think Im getting ready to face my next fear(im convincing myself)  hehehe One step at a time :D From what i learned yesterday and today it can be wonderful experience, and used for spiritual purposes... Have you? 

@ActualizedDavid Im on it, thak you ! 


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"From what i learned yesterday and today it can be wonderful experience, and used for spiritual purposes... Have you? "

@EddieEddie1995   Interesting question. I've only had them spontaneously, unpredictably, and not recently. So not easy to use for my spiritual practice.

 The sleep paralysis was a bit unpleasant for me, especially one time when I had slipped down the bed under the duvet, it felt like I was suffocating and couldn't move, until I used will power to wake myself up. It's like my mind wakes up but my body is still asleep. Astral projection is, at a first level of understanding, about the mind or spirit becoming separated spatially from the body, travelling around independently for a time before returning. Both these sound like dualistic phenomena, pointing to mind and body bring distinct but connected units. I think there's a second level understanding which I haven't discerned yet, that reconciles the astral projection etc with a nondual perspective. 

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