
Meditation in a pill, Pharma Gaba

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@integralI haven't used GABA supplements but still, I think a spiritual practitioner should be careful on this. This is not quite like psychedelics.

These supplements are quite safe and in the short term usage , go for it. But we don't know its effects on the nervous system for long term usage.

My concern is that if you use GABA supplements too consistently, the brain might stop producing GABA on its own since you are constantly outsourcing it.

This is also not a chemical you can directly take from food. So you don't want to use supplements that can potentially reduce the brain's ability to produce GABA.

In my experience, jhana and meditative joy increase both GABA and opioid production in the brain as a baseline in a stable way. This is the ideal solution. But I totally understand why one would like to try a GABA supplement.

Since we don't know how GABA supplements would affect brain's natural GABA production and indirectly one's access to meditative joy and jhanas, don't use it consistently just in case. 

But someone who had experimented with GABA supplements for a few years can comment on its effects and how withdrawal feels like. I hope it doesn't make natural GABA production more difficult :)

What do you guys think?



Edited by ardacigin

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Hello. I searched online for Pharma Gamma. I found some which are called that, but on the ingredient list there is Gamma - Aminobutyric Acid - 100 mg for one capsule. Is that what it's supposed to be?

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@Aeris The brand i take is called natural factors, can find it online and at local health food stores.

@Neorez Pharma Gaba is bio identical to the gaba the body produces, Regular gaba is synthetic and not bioidentical, the effects in the body are very different, causes issues like flushing and gasping for air... not worth taking, but dont take my word for anything, experiment with both :)

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@Codrina If it says pharma gaba on the label it might be ok, but the ingredients usually say "PharmaGaba". 

@ardacigin Fully Agree with the points made that is the path everyone should be on but this might not cover the full story/use cases.

The majority of the population are not producing enough gaba, chronic stimulated/stressed state for various reasons (not all psychological). Taking small dosages to bring gaba levels to "normal" or "meditative" could be safe long term, seeing as the body is already starved of gaba and its not exceeding the bodys natural limits, body has no reason to adapt and reduce gaba production. Just an possibility. 



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@ardacigin Actually you can get GABA from food. It's found in white tea and most grains, including rice. But I agree with your point. Supplementing with any neurotransmitter might also deplete you of other neurotransmitters.

I'd say GABA is great when you're about to face a stressful situation. It makes you calmer and minimized the damage from cortisol.

I also take it before bed when I had a stressful day.

But I don't think it's a good idea to take it daily, not sure though.

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