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The nuances of using the term "Self" and True Self"

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People like to use the word "Self" and "True Self" to conceptualize  Ultimate Reality. They like to point out that all this phenomena experienced before you is "who we truly are". 

But Ultimate Reality is not anything at all. It can't be conceptualized by something. So why are we using the word "Self". There's nothing (no-thing) there to call it anything. It makes more sense semantically to name it in terms of what it's not (e.g  not self). But I see many people conceptualizing it as Self. 


Edited by Maya_0

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Why surrender an absolute for a relative? Absolute includes both relative opposites.  Calling absolute Truth “not truth” is misleading. Absolute Truth cannot get reduced to the opposite of a relative because it is absolute. Absolute Truth is both “truth” and “not truth”. Self is both “self” and “not self”.


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@Maya_0 It is YOU! You are God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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