
Permanent Awakening After Ayahuasca Retreat

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@Nak Khid You don't need psychedelics to become awakened, but for some people, it really helps and is part of their paths, for others it isn't. 

Think about the 'Hippie' movement of the 60s, most of these did not become fully self-realized beings despite heavy psychedelic use, intention and setting also play key roles, I know a lot of people my age (20) who have used LSD and Shrooms a LOT and are certainly not enlightened, let a lone fully self realized. They aren't a magic pill, but can be used as a tool to help people on their journey. 

Like someone else said, there's no avoiding the inner work!

Edited by LfcCharlie4

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@LfcCharlie4 I'd add by emphasizing the point that the majority doesn't use psychedelics specifically for exploring non-duality. Even most "spiritual" people get rather confused and just change their belief systems through what they experience. I'm not excluding myself, this work is extremely tricky, because the ego structure is so tenacious. To use them for non dual understanding, you have to be careful, skillful, and patient. I doubt the hippie movement had this knowledge.

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Its been over a month after the awaking, the extremely high level of consciousness has died down a little, but it is by choice. 

When you are truly free to be whatever you want, everyone has a different response. 

Some want to permanently stay in god consciousness, or be in a high state of being/bliss at all times.

Some want to become aware of more things and deepen their understanding of god/infinite love.

Some start to teach others and become a guru or sage. 

And everyone's path is so brilliantly unique and divinely chosen. 

There are infinite things to be aware of and awaken to.

For me, I just want to live and be, and love. 

The ego or sense of separation can come back, but it doesn't matter because it is all love. 

It is like before awakening, you were a radio without the control over its frequency, but after awakening, you can tune the frequency to whatever you want. The whole radio becomes somewhat irrelevant because you are all the frequencies.

However, suffering is still gone. Not in the sense that I can't feel pain or get hurt. But in the sense that I am the pain and the hurt. You can still experience suffering, but when you do, you are experiencing it in the perspective of infinite love, so you accept it, and thank it, and love it. 

Being separated is also infinite love; it is all part of the plan to maximize love.

I can change my state of being at any time, but it doesn't really matter. You can experience being the ego and god at the same time, they are one.

I just live with the flow of life and do whatever my intuition/infinite love tells me, and enjoy the experience of existence.

The void of infinite love is always present in the background of your awareness.

Feel it now, be it. 

I love you all.

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