
Huge Library of Ebooks and Audiobooks

6 posts in this topic

Hey there,

today i want to introduce you to scribd.com

You can access so many good books on there, most of leos reading list is on there too. (as book and audiobooks!)

If you can accept reading on a screen and use audiobooks this site is a must.  It's waaay cheaper than audible because you pay like 9$ a month and can access everything.  They have really a ton of good books and audiobooks that it blows my mind this shit is not popular. (They also have music sheets! As a musician this tops everything.)

So yeah check it out, it's a great website.

Here are some faves:

Healing the Shame That Binds You

Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

A Course In Miracles

Never Split the Differences

The Wisdom of Insecurity

Dao De Jing

Edited by Yonkon

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I know you're heart's in the right place, but this isn't quite the kind of thing we're looking for here. I mean wikipedia, google, audible, youtube and the internet in general are also great resources ;)

A little more specific please !

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@outlandish  Sorry, i really thought this is incredible helpful for most people on the forum, i mean is there a better place to post it?

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No worries @Yonkon, I'm just trying to keep this "High Consciousness Resources" board laser focused so it's maximally useful to everyone.

While it's true that scribd (or any other media outlet) is a great resource, it goes a bit without saying, and there's also a ton of un-useful junk that you have to wade through to find the gold. What we're interested in is the gold, so please share the outstanding material that you've found to be very useful, or effective, or insightful and so on. Do you see what I mean?

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@outlandish Ah, now i get it. I will edit my post till tomorrow and add the golden nuggets i could find :)

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:’) this is 10 times better than the Apple App Store

 You have been gifted the Golden Kappa~! 


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