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Top personal development/self-help teachers

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As I have noticed many people who just start their personal development journey - do not really believe in their ability to climb out of their rut to something more beautifull and so on. I'm not even talking about self-actualization yet. People may feel themselves really helpless to a degree that they're not able to do the most foundational stuff like meditation or clerification of their values.

Some of this people may watch your channel. I was in a situation like that some time ago. Just watched  and Jordan Peterson, did a lot of shit and struggled to break this cycle of bad habbits, negative thinking, psychological problems and so on. Yeah, i have made an effort but even JUST watching this stuff and getting some ideas, bigger context is very helpfull.

Different teachers influence differently on different people, and cover different aspects of personal development, spirituality, psychology, business and so on. And as far as I'm concerned sometimes people really just lack of information/influence from outside, and time.

So I suppose it would be very usefull if you made an episode with a list of hight quality personal development/self-help/spirituality teachers with some in-depth like: for what people his/her teachings may be most usefull, what's his/her area of competence, with witch Spiral Dynamics stage it will resonate the most, and so on.

For example - Leo Gura. Advanced guy who's most interested in holistic understanding of the universe, and psychology: the deepest laws, mechanics of how it works. Also makes a big accent on principle of mastery, and higher order values. I suppose, most resonates with stage yellow-thinking people who value understanding on different levels, and nuances. And resonates highly with with stage orange on his older videos.

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