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The Big Short | Netflix Gem

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Recently finished rewatching "The Big Short" (2015), and thought I'd recommend this to everybody. 
This is a brilliant movie! It explains a very important event in a cinematic way with some great acting. Most people are of course familiar with the world market collapse, but not many can point out the reason. This is not just a fun popcorn flick, although it is entertaining, it's actually really educational. 



The movie has a lot of financial jargon, I had to google some of the terminologies. Here is a short 3-part series on what MBS are:


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Yeah that was a gooder!

It's ironic how Hollywood told this tale through the eyes of the winner. People are so obsessed with getting rich that even when everyone went bust, the story is about the guys who got rich.

I'd like to watch the Khan academy ones there, thanks.

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