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Only I/me... this sole consciousness is present in this current state of awareness>>

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I am all that exists.

I am (have been/will be), each individual human soul (the thing that is aware)/(the shape of the nothingness that is crafted out of each particular human "experience") ... the holes in a sponge.

I am the only human "being", I am the sole arbitrator of the connection between each human. 


When I ( as in, this particular human experience ) ceases to exist, and my awareness return to nothingness.. what happens to all of my other experiences/points of attention in this particular Milkyway, Earth story? 

If I die tomorrow, is there, for instance, still the existence of a part of me called Leo teaching other parts of me spiritual stuff. Or me as, my mum, dad, brother who are left to mourn the death of me (particular human experience). Basically, does this dream of earthy stuff have any actual existence outside of my imagination of it. 

When i die as this human.... what occurs to the rest of my points of attention on "earth"? 

if any of earth "timeline" is still relevant after returning to nothingness (which i assume it is as nothingness holds all possibility), how many other dreams/relms will i cycle through, before, (((this))) same earth timeline is encountered by awareness and i experience my current mothers life, and the mourning of my death, if i died tomorrow.

deep stuff ay. zippididooda, gods a sneaki lil fucckkerr


Edited by Pateedm

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Great question. It's like the zen koan "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Cant answer it though.. 

So bump

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