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Sticks and Stones-Dave Chapelles new standup

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Hey all, just thought id ask if any one has seen this and what they thought?

He pretty much calls out all the categories that most of us fall under, then he began to orchestrate a story in which he explained how each group of people collectively felt over the generations and how they are all trying to steer the ship of their own society. And how each category feels about each other in different 

To re orient yourself to a reality where we're all just trying to live in harmony, and if we can just set aside our differences.

Since Leo puts a lot of content that's in line with this sort of thinking, that we are collectively trying to engage with our hearts. As he uses tricks of the mind to get us there :D

Chapelle did an excellent job expressing a really valuable and meaningful understanding of the world we all inhabit. That's really helps unite us.  I can't speak more highly of this new show, personally my favourite of all time. 

Curious to what other people thought as there is a lot of depth in there that's worth exploring.


Edited by MisterMan

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