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What is gods Will?

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Aside from being which is the ultimately reality in which absolute reality must contain all realities and all truths, which Leo said very funnily, everything must is or be. 

What is the actual mission of each particular life? What is gods will in experiencing, and how does he experience from moment to moment, other than issing (lol) is there more to its will? 

Does being a human, a biological organism with high intelligence, pride, greed and so forth have valuable lessons for god to learn? 

I have a strong feeling that we/god are learning something, be it how to live in community, how to respect others, how to communicate, laugh, create cars, houses and so on, there is more to the human than issing and I think god himself goes through valuable lessons, even if he is all and everything already, we need to make these experiences in order for the power of the light and love itself evolve more into infinity, therefore we must feel how it is to be separate from our essence. Surely people that havent awoken are very disconnected of their essence., without prejudice but I see it in myself. Unconscious living is the ultimate experience, we pretend to be something else and take it very seriously and go through valuable life lessons that make us even go lost sometimes. Only through expanding our consciousness we learn how to correct errors and learn from difficult moments of the past and evolve into a more decent human that works and lives more according to the light of gods love. 

How can gods will be described beyond letting everything just be, which is of course the ultimate truth, but maybe there is more to it also 

Edited by Schahin

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