
Difficulty letting go of the tension that creates desire or fear

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What i seemed to notice once on an LSD trip was that my sense of self was being created directly out of fear, and that fear had a tension within the physical body that was associated with it. As i came down i noticed how, like an onion, from an experience of almost nothingness, layers of tension stacked on to one another. First came the fear of death, which became the self, then i noticed another wave of tension be created which created desire. 

What I'm now having trouble doing is letting go of all the tension that is associated with those things, because it seemed that just being able to rid the tension associated physically would allow it to contract and disappear. How can i effectively reduce all tensions within sensory experience and the physical body?

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I remember having the onion layers insight, many other people have had the same or similar. In essence this is showing one the layers one is going to have to unwired and rewire to get to emptiness, the true self. 

Practice relaxation visualizations, you can create your own visualization. See the area that is tense as compressed tight object (for example a spring), see it opening up very slowly, repeat this as many times as needed. Once relaxed just observe/ feel/ meditate off of the good feelings in the now relaxed area, notice if it gets tense again and go back to the visualization if it does. Do this for as long as one feels it is needed. Find out what visualization works best for you, could be something melting, could be a plant breaking out of a seed, a flower blooming, anything that makes one feel relaxed. 

To really go deep into these tensions you have discovered I would suggest starting to do shadow work on oneself. This can help you located unconscious tension that could be causing a chain reaction of other tensions. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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Deep breathing and shamanic breathing are great for relaxing the mind.

But eventually you will have to let down your defences and agree to God's terms without fear or resistance.

Just take the leap. There's nothing to fear.

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