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Age to have children

5 posts in this topic

What do you consider the perfect age to have children? 

What age do you consider too old? What age do you consider too young? 

Edited by SFRL

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At 30 would be a good time to start thinking about children seriously, for both men and women unless children are an integral part of your life purpose and your understanding of your unique requirements for Happiness. I'm not nearly thirty though so my advice might be bonkers:P

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Also, you shouldn’t have kids just for the sake of it. Kids need lots of love, a good guidance and it costs a lot of money and time. Once you know that you can give all that, it’s great time to have kids!

I have an opinion on everything :D

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Perfect age is when you are at peace with yourself and living in loving harmony with your partner and feel most wise as a creative force thus "when it feels right". You will know, this will come naturally.

Too old is an illusion. If anything, the older you have kids, the wiser they usually are. You will be doing humanity a great favour!

Never rush creating life, first you must live, know, understand what life is, you must first find, be and fall in love with life and yourself before you decide to give yourself permission to create a new life. That's how i see it :)



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there's no right answer.

just when you finished your comprehensive progress in your life you could decide to bring another human to this life (for example: when you reached to the normal extent of emotional mastery, financial mastery and so on and so forth)

remember, majority of parents in the world are irresponsible and they transfer they whole dysfunctional limiting beliefs, psychological complexes, mental illnesses, false perceptions and beliefs right into the brain of their children.

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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