
conscious negotiation

2 posts in this topic

A great chunk of every business is a "negotiation". Trying to settle on cost, delivery, terms of business, rent...what have you. There is a globally accepted consensus that negotiation is about lying and trying to get one-up on the other one. Best negotiators are the greatest liars, manipulators and those who can bullshit the best.

So my question is, what would a conscious negotiation look like and how do you go around it without looking like a fool or a hippie that people would just mock you? 


“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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I'm not sure if your initial stance is correct. Negotiating doesn't have to involve lies or manipulation. That only occurs when you have weak boundaries and either don't have value, or don't know your value.

Most businesses rely on repeating customers. Lying nets you only one transaction per customer at most, and your reputation will suffer.

Look at how Warren Buffett does negotiating.

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