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Building the bridge to long term spirituality.

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We live in a time where every attempt to fix something is made increasingly quicker. The quick pill for muscle gain, weight loss, foreign language fluency etc.. While this is a good great in the short term, it either fails to keep people dedicated to their goals or has some kind of negative side effect that requires them to stop and pops them back where they started.

I've seen people get glimpses of spirituality and not have good enough of an understanding of what they were experiencing to the point that they they chalk up their psychedelic experiences to just "being high" or "hallucinating".   What are some of the things some of you accredit your lasting passion toward this journey of awakening to? What subjects of interest have served as a great pre-requisite for opening you up to studying spirituality and engaging in its practices?

Although I have a plethora of things in my past I can attribute my spiritual success and growth to. Two of the biggest catalysts have been being a voracious consumer of art in all its mediums no matter how radical and studying psychology in college(classes in Sensation and Perception were a BIG one). There has been no greater help than engaging in activities requiring patience, open-mindedness, and a willingness to find beauty in the most mundane of things. What hobbies, subjects, values have helped you and are ones you believe will help others maintain a steady interest in awakening without falling back into slumber?


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