
Channeled Teachings and Books

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Hello everyone, 

So, I've been reading some rather interesting material lately. I picked up the series "Conversations with God". I bought the first book the last time I was in NYC. I didn't think much of it until I saw it on Leo's book list. After reading it I bought the rest of them. I then read "The Law Of One" which was apparently another work channeled. I also checked into some books the "Law Of One" mentioned. It seems to me that there is a lot of similarity in these channeled works. 

Now, please understand I am just a curious person and the paranormal and occult have always been interesting to me. And I know there can be a lot of BS out there. But these books seem to be coming from a very loving place. And from some spiritual teachers such as Matt Kahn who have direct communications with the universe, the messages seem to be the same. 

I have had experiences with channeling.  Once while on a high dose of mushrooms I was taken over by something and ripped out of my body. It spoke through me like an instrument. I have also meditated and felt taken over by something else. So, in my direct experience, I feel that this is possible. 

I am just curious to hear people's thoughts on this material. I am not trying to advocate thoughts of fear, aliens, a "space war", or any other superstitious stuff like that. 

But maybe truly we can be in direct communication with our Source. 

Also, understand that I just find this stuff interesting. It is not the whole of my spiritual work. Which, ultimately has been to bring forth in me the greatest love that I AM here Now through meditation and deep self-love practice. 

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You are always directly communicating through source, you are just not aware of it on a greater level to notice it as clearly as you could. Surrender to source, surrender the ego, its always open to communicate through you <3 Its just depends on much you can actually surrender on all levels.

The deeper you let go, the more "source/you/your true nature" and be and speak and live through you.


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@pluto Yes, I am well aware of this. My intuition has become very keen. It's almost like the mystery of life has been withdrawn. But you know....I still like to be surprised and bewildered.  I can say that it's like I have a little angel on my shoulder all the time helping me through everything. So, I know this is possible. 

I think what I am getting at more here, is just I wanted to know what people think of this material. I find it to be aligned with love mostly which was surprising.  Since I've seen new age people justify some rather dogmatic and hateful things using material like this.   

Maybe in a sense, I've been truly sucked into this "Black Hole" where no one can understand what I am talking about unless they have experienced what I have. 


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1 minute ago, lukej said:

@pluto Yes, I am well aware of this. My intuition has become very keen. It's almost like the mystery of life has been withdrawn. But you know....I still like to be surprised and bewildered.  I can say that it's like I have a little angel on my shoulder all the time helping me through everything. So, I know this is possible. 

I think what I am getting at more here, is just I wanted to know what people think of this material. I find it to be aligned with love mostly which was surprising.  Since I've seen new age people justify some rather dogmatic and hateful things using material like this.   

Maybe in a sense, I've been truly sucked into this "Black Hole" where no one can understand what I am talking about unless they have experienced what I have. 


Ra material is good stuff, bit out dated and contains some older terminology compared to modern downloads but if you are attracted to it in anyway, it will be great stuff for you cause, well, that's just how things work :) Always follow your highest calling! Enjoy!


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1 hour ago, Richard Alpert said:

Channeling is for children. Or adult children.


Adult children are the most Enlightened Beings on the planet ;)


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@pluto You are so wise. ❤️?

Minimize ego maximize Love. 

Who am I lying there is no ego All is Love. 

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@pluto That is a beautiful photo. 

I can kinda see that this conversation has gone off a bit.

I will add that I like the Ra Material for its dense language and esoteric understandings. 

I am not a philosopher nor an academic. I am a musician and I look to esoteric teachings and writing to fuel my creativity. 

The language in them gives me an extended vocabulary which is great for writing songs and forming images in my head which in turn help me write music. If I have an image in my head I can start to form an atmosphere and work from there. 

Some songs I write I feel that I have channeled. Meaning I do not feel like I can take full credit for them. They seem to just come to me. And in this way, I know the divine is working through me to do this. 

After many mystical experiences, I can read most things from a high enough level to take whatever golden nugget there is inside of the writings/teachings.  

As I've said before "expand your capacity for weirdness to take in all of your glory".


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@lukej If you liked Matt Kahn I'd also recommend the Sophia Code by Kaia Ra (the audiobook is really juicy, I haven't purchased the actual book but I am sure it's just as potent, if not more).

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4 hours ago, lukej said:

@Martin123 Thank you!

I will have to check that out. It looks fascinating. 

You're very welcome. It's absolutely incredible. 

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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I think it’s wise to tread lightly when it comes to the paranormal and phenomena such as channeling. Many spiritual people can easily be misled by someone who puts on a grand display of claiming to be in contact with “beings from the higher realms” or who have been “designated as a channel for the Source”.

I believe many of these people may be delusional yet have good intentions. Some may be cons and claim things that need to be seriously critically assessed. 

At the end of the day, do I personally know whether humans are capable of channeling the Universe? No, I’m open to the possibility though. If there are legitimate channelers, they may simply be more aligned and attuned to the energy of the universe (which is infinitely interconnected) and able to translate this into language for others to understand. Are they really getting messages? I don’t know, but it seems unlikely at face value.

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@Michael Paul Yes as always. It is important to try to see the motives of the one giving the information, where the information is coming from (fear of love), and whether it has any practical value to it. 

A lot of spiritual people that fall these things treat spirituality like a fad. I've heard some people call it "materialistic spirituality". Well, with anything that puts the power outside of yourself, and somehow makes you less than or not as of the Divine/Source it can cause problems. 

A true master tries to make a master of you. Not dependent on them.  

Me personally I've had plenty of experiences with the paranormal. Stuff that no one would believe. Do I need anyone to believe me? No. Does it make me special? We are all very special and unique. Does it make me seem crazy to others? Yes. It's like trying to convince a blind person of the existence of color. 

Yet we are dealing with this infinite dream. It can be anything that it would be like to be. It exists in infinite dimensions, in infinite ways, for eternity.

So, yes be skeptical for your own safety and not to fall in any traps that others may lay for you. But dare to be open and fascinated and you might just find the impossible. 

Everyone is just where they are at. They have all of eternity to realize their magnificence. 


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@Ero Yes, I can concur. 

It's almost like your beliefs put filters on your reality and might actually prevent you from seeing what is really there. 

Only after a lot of hard work and true mystical experiences did any of this feel "real" to me. I've been very open since I was young too various things. I was also plagued with an immense fear of death that I can remember as like my first memory (around age six I imagined death to be eternal darkness). I went on a quest to answer these questions and I found the occult and spirituality around age 12. It came to me very naturally and since then I have most of my questions answered. 

It's not like I discount science. In fact, I have loved most of Leo's video which tries to help explain the possibility of these spiritual ideals through science. 

But the glorious for me is not the "cool" things that happen. But the shedding of all fear and shame. Dance naked in the rain and know we are one. Smile for you are loved and held through it all. You are the whole thing. You are a freaking miracle. You are glorious and infinitely perfect. Be the light in other people's lives. They might not know (or don't remember) what you do but they know love and you break down their prison one loving act at a time.  

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I did want to mention briefly my first impression of Kaia Ra. 

Her website kinda gives me a red flag. She is selling expensive jewelry as"ascension technology". 

I am weary of people who sell physical things to help raise your "vibration": Now, I'm not saying that there might not be any validity to energy healers who use crystals (I've been to one and I defiantly felt something). I've seen some experts of the book and it seems like another way to put the same material. 

Do I really know if she is manipulative? Not really. But it makes me have caution. Same thing with Teal Swan. She has seen some truth but her tactics seem manipulative.

You can't buy "God in a Can" (in a way you can say the can is part of God but whatever).  I'm not saying you can't be a spiritual teacher and sell stuff. But why not just sell it as art rather than "they key to your ascension".

Just take a look at this:

There might be some power in having a physical object remind you of things. It can focus your mental energy. But it might be a lot like a Chrisitan wearing a cross for Christ's protection. It may make them more confident. But the real power is still inside themselves. The real power to raise your "vibration" is inside yourself. Your real savior is yourself. The real Christ is inside of you. 

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Not really my field of experience and I'm a bit skeptical about it but that's just me. I would suggest not to get distracted that much on this stuff. Zen has the word Makyo that might help you:

"The term makyō (魔境 makyō) is a Zen term that means “ghost cave” or “devil’s cave.” It is a figurative reference to the kind of self-delusion that results from clinging to an experience and making a conceptual “nest” out of it for oneself. Makyō is essentially synonymous with illusion, but especially in reference to experiences that can occur within meditation practice."

It's a good reminder that the big fish here is to get what you are, what reality is - basically becoming CONSCIOUS and FREE. But talking to Spirits might be a cool hobby in the meantime ;)


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I understand your concerns with that and they’re valid. I personally think the jewellery is cute and can be induced with energy to help you navigate the brutality of ascending your energy field and returning it to it’s natural state. But it’s okay to be sceptical about it.

I am not here to sell her to anyone and if her energy doesn’t give you a big YES then perhaps it’s not time for you to embrace her. But the jewellery is literally just a cherry on top of what she does. If you wanna truly see if you can gain benefit from her teachings, you can check out and join some of her free online prayer circles, or find some recorded on YouTube. The energy in those sessions can be very powerful and allow you to heal your nervous system in a very loving and gentle way. Same can of course be said about the book. During my first read I balled my eyes out in every chapter.

It would be a shame to dismiss the potential of ingesting a lot of light into your field based on fancy jewellery.


I wish you well on your path.


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29 minutes ago, lukej said:

The real Christ is inside of you. 

Also I wanna briefly touch on this because it can be misunderstood. 

Yes, the light is always within us. However our egos interpret this wisdom as a form of “Okay so I can totally do this on my own.”

and in that lies a couple of problems. First, the ego can’t do anything, the ego can surrender but even if the ego says it surrenders it’s still the ego doing something. Therefor the ego can be surrendered, to the light by divine plan and timing, but not by itself. It’s like a bread wanting to bake itself... that’s just not gonna happen.

Second, we were not designed to do our spiritual journeys alone, that is why we have spirit guides, spiritual teachers and other infinite forms in which we are guided by source into expansion. Consciousness is a very collaborative effort. 

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