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Is this what it means for reality to be groundless?

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Does it mean that the entire universe can only be perceived through one consciousness and the only reason it wouldn't be wrong for me to consider you a conscious observer as well (even though you're just a figment of my imagination) is because infinity demands for a situation to arise in which there is a conscious observer from an identical reality who reads this post?

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@JayFueel could you please make your question more clear? 

Groundless means that there is no metaphysical world behind what is perceived. No universe, no heaven or hell, no atoms and molecules, not even a separate self. It's all infinite consciousness grounded on it's infinite self... 

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No, that is not what groundless means.

Groundless means that you can never say what the material substance of anything is because anything you claim to be the substance will itself need a further substance to explain it, and so on, to infinity.

You can't claim the substance of any form to be another form, the way science tries to do. You cannot say that a table is made of atoms because the atoms themselves are just another form in an infinity of forms. You must grok that the substance of everything is nothing.

Another way to say it is: a table is not made out of atoms. A table is a table. This is tricky to grasp because it is too direct to be grapsed. It is raw Truth/Being. A nondual state of consciousness is required to understand it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@JayFueel All dualities eventually collapse into nothing / infinity. Referring to this as “groundless” can help understanding in terms of human concepts and subjective experience. Yet, it’s not really grounded vs. groundless. In a practical sense, beings like a sense of being grounded. Humans will assume, think and desire that which gives a sense of grounding. Groundless can feel unsettling, uncomfortable and scary. So we construct a reality of perceptions, ideas and beliefs to provide grounding. For example, holding an idea and wanting “to be right” - we could consider this as firmly grounded. Yet upon closer inspection of nuances, any idea is relative and partially right, depending on context and perspective - now the grounding isn’t so firm anymore, it’s like shifting sand. Upon even closer inspection, this expands into infinity - to nothing - one might consider this groundless. 

From the human perspective, there can be an intellectual understanding of grounding as well as nonverbal feeling and experiential understanding of grounding - which is nonverbal.

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11 hours ago, Malekakisioannis said:

"It's turtles all the way down"


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Even though we are all just a figment of the imagination in each other's perception it is a very persistent one so that we may navigate the manifest with awareness, knowledge and wisdom in our consciousness of it.

Edited by SOUL

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