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Paulus Amadeus

low-dose DPT trip report + hypothesis

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Excuse me for some weird English here and there, not a native speaker. 


So yesterday me and a good friend of mine tried our luck with DPT for the first time. I had never even heard of DPT before Leo talked about it. So once again, Leo has delivered enormous value to my life,  DPT seems to be an amazing substance. 


So.... Thank you Leo!! :)


We took about 18 micrograms over the course of 1,5 hours. We started with 6 micrograms, than took 6 micrograms half an our later, and than took another 6 micrograms an hour later. 

Because we started with such a small dose, the come on was kind of slow and subtle, but after a while we started noticing what I can only describe as 'increased consciousness'. I had no hallucinations and no crazy thoughts. It just felt like the presence of god or consciousness was much closer than it normally feels it is. And I was much more just 'right there in the room', not lost in thoughts, emotions, or theories. 

There was also a very pleasant heightened sense of body awareness, and just a general vibe of profoundness, holiness, and peacefulness. 


Also there was a tremendous amount of tension being released from the body, but we kind of participated in this process. We did long weird chanting sessions, rolled over the floor laughing for long periods of time, my body started shaking pretty heavily at some point, and I did a lot of yawning. 

My ego was still there, but it never got even a bit scary. 

I've had one experience on 5meo-dmt that was somewhat of a non-dual experience. That experience was very very intense, and since then something in me is kind of scared to go there again.


But it felt like this DPT trip was kind of assuring. It was just so gentle, yet there was clearly something very profound peeking around the corner. 


So I'm a total fan op DPT now. My body feels amazing, I feel like I've made some spiritual progress (whatever that is), and I just feel I let go of a ton of tension. 


So I think DPT might actually also be a pretty amazing medicine for a bit less experienced psychedelic user. I have quiet some experience with psychedelics, but not with non-dual states, and my friend had barely any experience. Yet the trip was amazingly gentle but profound.  


I think DPT might be a great drug for more inexperienced users, just as long as they really start of with a small dose. And than the beauty is that, when you feel ready, you can just up your dosage and go for deeper and deeper experiences. 


Anyone any thoughts on this?





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Not micrograms, milligrams.

The trips will get much more serious at higher doses. So be careful.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yup ^^

It is like a different substance almost. Once you get over a certain amount (this varies for people, I start to go non-dual at 75mg. I've seen some people that can't seem to break through at all) it drastically changes in intensity and character.  

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