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Can Wim Hoff Method, Shamanic breathing kapalbhati pranayama etc bring high level of consciousness or some deep awakening or its just for trauma release? 

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I'm practicing Wim Hof method, it's hard to tell what can bring to you. Can ice cream bring good taste or refreshment or diabetes. It's more personal.

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Well maybe one way to look at it is that without getting the foundation right, striving for higher levels of being might be difficult. So in that way it does help I think by getting all your emotional problems out of the way

Edited by Chi_

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1 hour ago, SriBhagwanYogi said:

Can Wim Hoff Method, Shamanic breathing kapalbhati pranayama etc bring high level of consciousness or some deep awakening or its just for trauma release? 

Just the breath. Take all that content & all those identities out of the picture. It’s YOUR breath directly. Explore it. 

You’ve deeply assumed there is some point, or reason, or need, for breathing. 

That “answer” will come directly from the breath itself, content less, identity less, picture less.



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