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How to get rid of a porn addiction.

2 posts in this topic

In "How to stop watching TV" Leo talked shortly about porn at 19:31.

He said that he will shoot a dedicated video about it.

He said that he doesn't think that it is problem for most people because you can't watch too much of it and that there you will reach a point where it is too much.


But he doesn't know how addictive it can be for some individuals, especially for those who started consuming it around 10 years.

He treated this very superficially.

There are a lot of people who are addicted to it.Nofap comunity(which is a community who mainly aims to halp those with a porn addiction not a masturbation one) keeps rising.

Leo talked about open-mindness and I ask for it.

Overall having the opportunity to see any kind of girl you want,any gender of porn at different levels(hardcore, BDSM, vanilla and even rape porn) at full quality 1080 quality without paying a cent AT A CLICK AWAY might cause a lot of people to get addicted to it.

And also there are a lot of abuses behind this business. JUST WATCH THIS.

I'm not trying to impose a religious or a moralistic view,just watch this video and see for yourself.




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treat like any other addiction

1.meditate mindful

3.keep yourself busy

4.put restrictions on websites you visit

and go to the root of your addiction, is it love you want? start dating, are you too shy with girls? do some shadow work, etc etc etc etc

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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