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Why life feels so "stable" when you are sober?

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Since I tried psychedelics one thing that strucked me is how so unestable your reality is under the influence of it. With similar but maybe less potent substances also this feeling is very palpable.

When I am on them I always think how I know that the experience and perspective I have on drugs is deluded and the sober life is the "right one". The fact that the sober life is stable, is what makes me feel still that the sober life is "the truth" and experiences with drugs is delusion.

However this is not be confused with rare puntual spiritual moments of psychedelics or similar substances. I don´t think those are/are not a delusion more than life might be. 

Sometimes I feel this "stability" is a creation the Ego creates to keep himself and his story alive. However this seems too insane to be true. Because for this to be true Ego had to be doing this 100% of the times, always. There´s not a moment that you comedown from a drug, and you are not back into your old-sober view. Only something that is natural and the truth could be this reliable, don´t you think? So perspective under sober life must be more Truth than perspective under substance use.


---Sorry this might have to be moved to the Spirituality subforum, but I was not sure where to post this since this subforum is also about Philosophy. 

Edited by Javfly33

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There is nothing more true about sobriety vs being under the influence of a drug. That duality collapses. It’s funny, that was one of the first huge realizations I had upon trying psychedelics was... holy fuck everything is crazy different because Im tripping balls, but nothing actually changed. Even though form changes, reality is still just as itself. Sobriety and sanity, even though consistent, are not permanent or necessary for truth. Truth transcends the dualities of insanity vs sanity, sobriety vs high, drugs vs no drugs, etc. 

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''So perspective under sober life must be more Truth than perspective under substance use.''

Quite the opposite.

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@Javfly33 Have you noticed, deduced, concluded...that you are the unchanging, aware of the changing states? This “consciousness” thing folks are talking about?

Your body is perfectly sized between an atom and the earth. 

Not even considering infinity, just the looking into the night sky, however far out you can see into that...what do you think the chances are of this? What are the odds? 



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