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Questions about questioning my beliefs

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I want to get, for the first time really, serious about a topic. I recently listened to Leo's video about beliefs and have decided to put most of my focus on this. After having gone through the whole thing I still got left unanswered about certain things. I hope I am asking these questions the right way.

1. Should I start by questioning specifically meta-beliefs or normal beliefs if that matters at all?
2. How can one know that they have directly experienced something as easy as 1+1=2?
3. (following up on question 2) If you have directly experienced something, are you still meant to question it?
Like questioning the fact that you percieved green as green or Leo as bald.
4. Is there a specific practice that really helps with this? I suppose contemplation for hours. If you have any other suggestions feel free to speak up.
5. Do you know any good books about this topic?

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Best tip; Byron Katie - the Work. Watch YouTube vids how it works.

Free worksheet from her website;

If you get stuck of have really hardwired believes; try this question;

What payoff am I getting out of this positionality? What gratification, pleasure and satisfaction gives this position which I am stuck in?

Instead of questioning your beliefs, try letting go of them by using;

- The Sedona Method - H. Dwoskin

- Letting Go - D. Hawkins (really good book!)

- The Presence Process, two extensive talks on YouTube (below the first one)

- The Completion Process - T. Swan

Start wherever you like. Eventually you will seek deeper and deeper beliefs in yourself. Don't take this work to be easy or light. It will take lots of your time and months of pratice to really see some benefits. But it's really worth it! 

Good luck on your journey ?

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