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Psychedelics and age

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I'm 18 at the moment and have had two lsd experiences. My last one was very very healing, i took 200uq and had some great insight. 

On the comedown though it was quite just quite intense, and i would sometimes mistake thoughts for hearing it as a voice. So I'm thinking now I'll just wait until my 20's to take it up a level, develop myself through reading, contemplation, the work and general self-help stuff so i can be absolutely sure those experiences count. 

Do you experienced psychonauts on here think this is a good idea? Or am i being to cautious and in doing so stalling some potential major breakthroughs? 

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I think its good that you want to wait till you're 20. The brain of yours is still in development, and usually its not adviced to trip at the age you're at, yet then again, I know too little about that, other cultures even make their children trip at a very early age. I'd suggest that you do what feels right for you.

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves."

- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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